Accommodate OPERLOG EMCS console name change

Description: The OPERLOG EMCS console name is generated as *OPLOGxx where 'xx' is the system slot number. The slot numbers (QUASNUM) are assigned by XCF in sequence as systems join the plex. You can externally define the number but you cannot predetermine the order in which systems are ipled into the sysplex. Empty slots left by systems leaving the sysplex become available to new systems joining the sysplex so a slot number might not remain assigned to a specific system for the life of the sysplex.
Note: In the environment with a MONOPLEX GRS RING complex defined, the OPERLOG EMCS console name is fixed as *OPLOG01.

After the APAR OA31913 with z/OS V1R12, V1R11, V1R10, and V1R9, the OPERLOG EMCS console name *OPLOGyy is now be generated using the two character System Clone value (&SYSCLONE), the default of which is obtained from the System Name (&SYSNAME) (for example, if the system name is SYSTEM1 (system name= SYSTEM1), the system clone value is M1 (system clone = M1). This naming convention is similar to the SYSLOG EMCS console (*SYSLGxx).

Steps to take: The change of OPERLOG EMCS console name spans all configurations (MULTISYSTEM, XCFLOCAL, MONOPLEX, in GRS RING or STAR mode). If you depend on the name of OPERLOG EMCS console in your own procedure, it must be adjusted to reflect this change. For example, the following will display the OPERLOG EMCS console name:
D C,KEY=OPERLOG (message IEE892I)
D EMCS (message IEE129I)
D EMCS,CN=*OPLOG* (message IEE129I)
Note: With z/OS V1R12, this change was already in effect.

Reference information: For more information about the OPERLOG EMCS console, see z/OS MVS System Commands.