Using the migrate or new parameters when running

Start of changeWhen migrating from z/OS® V1R12 to V2R1, you are required to run with either the new or migrate option. When migrating from z/OS V1R13 to V2R1, you are not required to run; however, if you want to delete all previous release data, run with the new option.End of change

Start of changeWhen running the install script from the home directory PFA is using or when using the sample JCL for batch provided in SYS1.SAMPLIB, provide one of the following parameters:End of change

Start of changeEnd of change

If you do not append the migrate or new parameter or specify the parameter incorrectly, the script fails.

If you specify the migrate parameter when running the install script:
  1. The script creates the directory structures for all checks that have not been previously installed on your system.
  2. The script copies the first ini file found from one of the existing check directories to the /etc/PFA/ directory starting with the pfa_directory/PFA_COMMON_STORAGE_USAGE/ check. By copying an existing ini file, the Java™ configuration from previous installations of PFA for an existing check is automatically applied. If you do not want this Java configuration for all the checks, you can create the ini files on a per-check basis. For more information, see How PFA uses the ini file.
  3. The script deletes the ini file from each of the existing check directories.
  4. The script preserves the existing EXCLUDED_JOBS file for the message arrival rate or enqueue request rate check. If you did not previously define the EXCLUDED_JOBS files for the checks, the script creates the EXCLUDED_JOBS file in corresponding check config directory. For example, the following files are preserved:
    • pfa_directory/PFA_MESSAGE_ARRIVAL_RATE/config directory to exclude JES* jobs with generic system name *.
    • pfa_directory/PFA_ENQUEUE_REQUEST_RATE/config directory to exclude NETVIEW and *MASTER*.
    The EXCLUDED_JOBS file must exist in the local /config directory for the check on each LPAR to which it applies. The generic system name allows the file to be copied from one partition to other partitions without any changes. For additional details, see Table 1.
If you specify the new parameter when running the install script:
  1. The script deletes the existing check directories and creates a new directory structure for all the checks.
  2. The script copies the ini file from the /usr/lpp/bcp/samples/PFA/ directory to the /etc/PFA/ directory.
  3. The script creates the EXCLUDED_JOBS file the in corresponding check config directory. For example, the following files are created:
    • PFA_MESSAGE_ARRIVAL_RATE check to exclude JES* jobs with generic system name *
    • PFA_ENQUEUE_REQUEST_RATE check to exclude NETVIEW and *MASTER*.
    The EXCLUDED_JOBS files must exist in the local /config directory for the check on each LPAR to which it applies. The generic system name allows the file to be copied from one partition to other partitions without any changes. For additional details, see Table 1.
Note: If the system does not find the /etc/PFA directory when running the install script, AIRSHREP, the ini file is copied to each check directory (for both new and migrate option).