Steps for installing PFA

Use the following steps to set up PFA with RACF® and z/OS® UNIX:
  1. Define additional DASD storage for PFA. The recommended /var/pfa file system is zFS. Requirements for the total space for the PFA file system for each LPAR is 300 cylinders primary; 50 cylinders secondary on a 3390 device.
  2. Create a user ID to define the location in the z/OS UNIX file system that stores the PFA data and connects the PFA user ID to an existing or new RACF group.

    Guideline: This documentation uses pfauser as the generic term for the PFA user ID. Certain installation tasks require UID of 0.

    If you are using PFA in a sysplex that shares file systems for z/OS UNIX, use a unique directory for each LPAR so that the event data that PFA writes to the file system is stored separately for each system. For details, see Installing PFA in a z/OS UNIX shared file system environment.

    1. Create a new user ID to own the PFA. For example, pfauser. The PFA user ID must be unique; do not use the same user ID that is assigned to the IBM® Health Checker for z/OS.
    2. Ensure /etc/PFA has the same security settings as pfauser or pfauser owns /etc/PFA.
    3. Define the PFA started task by creating a RACF profile for the pfauser with the following items:
      • OMVS segment with a UID parameter (for example, omvs(uid(7)))
      • Home directory (for example, home(/pfa))
      • PROGRAM pathname of /bin/sh (for example, program(/bin/sh))


    • This example shows how you can define and connect a new user to RACF. Ensure that you replace the parameters with the correct settings for your installation.
      ADDUSER pfauser
      			OMVS(UID(7) HOME(/pfa) PROGRAM(/bin/sh)) PASSWORD(sys1)
    • This example shows how you can change the information in a user's RACF profile:
      altuser pfauser omvs(uid(7) shared home(/pfa) program(/bin/sh))
  3. Add the PFA task to the STARTED class table in RACF and refresh, if necessary. For example:
    If you have already activated RACLIST in the STARTED class, the last statement is:
    For more information, see the following information:
  4. Copy the sample PFA procedure, AIRPROC, from SYS1.SAMPLIB to the PFA member of SYS1.PROCLIB data set. If SMP/E does not write the executable code in the z/OS UNIX file system to PARM='path=(/usr/lpp/bcp)', change the PARM value in AIRPROC to the path in which you store the executable code.
  5. Run the install script, either from of the user ID that owns the PFA data and PFA started task (for example, /pfa) or create a batch job using the JCL file, AIRINJCL, provided in SYS1.SAMPLIB, with one of the following parameters:
    • migrate: Use the migrate parameter to preserve existing PFA data from the prior release. The migrate option is recommended.
    • new: Use the new parameter if you are installing PFA for the first time or if you want to delete everything from prior releases and start PFA with clean directories.
    To run the install script from your home directory:
    1. From OMVS command line, make the current directory the home directory for the PFA user: cd /pfa
    2. Using the appropriate parameter, run the install script using either /usr/lpp/bcp/ new or /usr/lpp/bcp/ migrate
    For example:
    cd /pfa
    /usr/lpp/bcp/ migrate
    To run the install script in batch:
    1. Copy the sample batch job AIRINJCL from SYS1.SAMPLIB.
    2. Update the directory path in your copy of AIRINJCL with the home directory of the user ID that owns the PFA data and started task.
    3. Select the appropriate parameter for migration on PARM= JCL statement.
    4. Submit the JCL to run the install script.

    Update Java configuration

    PFA can use the single ini file for all checks in the /etc/PFA directory, which means you only have to update and maintain one ini file. If you prefer a specific check uses a different level of Java™ than what is specified in the /etc/PFA/ini directory, provide an ini file in the check directory for the check. For example, create an ini file in the pfa_directory/PFA_MESSAGE_ARRIVAL_RATE/ if you want to use a different level of Java for the PFA_MESSAGE_ARRIVAL_RATE check.

    If the path to the JDK for your installation is not the same as the path in the ini file in /etc/PFA/ and in the check directories (if they exist) or if you installed the PFA Java code in a location other than the default path, you must update each ini file after running the install script for PFA. For more information, see Updating the Java path.

    Note: Read the topic on Using and configuring supervised learning to decide whether you need to use the EXCLUDED_JOBS file.
  6. Allow the appropriate people access to the PFA results in SDSF and the z/OS UNIX file system. (Both systems use standard security controls.)
  7. Verify that common storage tracking (CSA Tracker) is active and the SMF exits (in SMFPRMxx.) are defined.
  8. Update the COMMNDxx parmlib member, and any system automation your installation has defined, with the PFA procedure to ensure that PFA restarts on IPL as shown here:
    START pfa_procname
    Make sure that you define the IBM Health Checker for z/OS procedure in COMMNDxx. See Start IBM Health Checker for z/OS in IBM Health Checker for z/OS User's Guide.

    Important: When updating your COMMNDxx parmlib member, remember to update any system automation your installation uses to start and restart major system address spaces.

  9. Update your WLM Service Class policy for PFA to be the same priority that your installation uses for monitoring products like RMF™. For more information about defining service classes, see "Defining service classes and performance goals" in z/OS MVS Planning: Workload Management.
  10. Increase the MAXFILEPROC settings in BPXPRMxx if your current settings are too low. The MAXFILEPROC sets the maximum number of file descriptors that a single process can have open concurrently, such as all open files, directories, sockets, and pipes. By limiting the number of open files that a process can have, you limit the amount of system resources a single process can use at one time. You can also dynamically change the MAXFILEPROC setting using the SETOMVS command. For example:


  11. Customize your system settings for PFA:
    1. Update your system automation to look for PFA exception messages. For complete details, see the topic about Approaches to automation with IBM Health Checker for z/OS in IBM Health Checker for z/OS User's Guide.
    2. Follow the guidelines for correcting problems by reviewing the check-specific best practice.
    3. After the checks have been running for a while, you might decide that the default parameters are not appropriate in your environment. You can customize the PFA checks using the check-specific parameters. For details, see the check-specific parameters.