Sense code 8005

No session: No half-session is active in the receiving end node for the indicated origination-destination pair, or no boundary function session connector is active for the origin-destination pair in a node providing the boundary function. A session activation request is needed.

Bytes 2 and 3 following the sense code contain sense code specific information.
No specific code applies.
VTAM® hint: If this sense code is displayed in message IST1280I, take one of the following actions:
  • Perform an operator activation of the CP-CP session by entering a VARY ACT,ID=adjcpname command at the end node.
  • Modify the network node server list to include either an explicit entry for the desired network node or a nameless entry.
The receiver received a request other than a session control request when no LU-LU session was active.
The receiver received a request other than a session control request when no LU-SSCP session was active.
The receiver received a session control request other than BIND/UNBIND when no LU-LU session was active.
The receiver received an UNBIND when no LU-LU session was active.
The receiver received a session control request other than ACTLU/DACTLU for the LU-SSCP session when no LU-SSCP session was active.
The receiver received DACTLU when no LU-SSCP session was active.
Session not activated: A BIND was received for a dependent LU that has not received an ACTLU to activate the SSCP-LU session.
A request could not be forwarded to the destination node because an active session with that node did not exist. The name of the node that could not forward the request is indicated in the accompanying name list (X'06') subvector.