Sense code 0898

Session reset: The XRF session is being reset.

Bytes 2 and 3 following the sense code contain sense-code-specific information.
No specific code applies.
The XRF-active session has been reset because the XRF-backup PLU forced a takeover.
XRF-backup hierarchical reset: The identified XRF-backup LU-LU session is being deactivated because the related XRF-active session terminated normally. The LU sending this sense data is resetting its half-session before receiving the response from the partner LU. (See UNBIND Type X'12'.)
XRF-active hierarchical reset: The identified XRF-active LU-LU session is being deactivated because the related XRF-backup session performed a forced takeover of this session (via SWITCH). The LU sending this sense data is resetting its half-session before receiving the response from the partner LU. (See UNBIND Type X'13'.)