Sense code 0870

Unformatted subvector value invalid: A value in an unformatted MS subvector, or in an unformatted portion of a partially formatted MS subvector, is not valid.

Bytes 2 and 3 following the sense code contain sense-code-specific information.
Byte 2 following the sense code contains the subvector key (nn) of the MS subvector containing the value that is not valid. Byte 3 contains a one-byte binary count that indexes the first byte in which the invalid value falls. The indexing is zero-origin, from the beginning of the subvector.
Note: See sense code X'086B' for the case in which the value that is not valid occurs in a formatted MS subvector, that is, one containing subfields with keys and lengths, or in the formatted portion of a partially formatted subvector.
Subfield length in origin location name not valid(X'81') subvector. NETID is not a valid length (1-8 characters).
Subfield length in destination location name not valid(X'82') subvector. NETID is not a valid length (1-8 characters).
Flags (X'90') subvector contains setting that is not valid for MDS message type.
Flags (X'90') subvector contains an flag setting that is not valid.