LLC LAN specific codes

Table 1. LLC LAN specific codes
Code Meaning Explanation
7603 Layer instance program check The instance of the LLC receiving the primitive encountered a program check. As a result the LLC layer was unable to process the request. This completion code can be used in response to any of the LLC primitives.
7604 System error The system in which the LLC is running encountered an error. As a result, the LLC layer was unable to process the request. This completion code can be used in response to any of the LLC primitives.
7605 MAC instance not active or not running A request has been made of the LLC layer, but the MAC instance is not active and running. As a result, the LLC layer is unable to process the request. This completion code can be returned for any of the LLC primitives.
7606 SAPs still active This completion code is returned on the DL_ENABLE confirm primitive. The LLC layer received a request to disable the layer, but all the SAPs have not been closed.
7607 Layer enabled successfully This completion code is returned in response to a DL_ENABLE request that completes successfully. This completion code is returned by LLC when the LLC layer is successfully enabled. It implies that the MAC layer was successfully enabled.
7608 Layer already enabled This completion code is returned in response to a DL_ENABLE request, and does not indicate an error situation. The LLC received an ENABLE request, but the layer was already enabled.
7609 Station already opened This completion code is returned in response to a DL_OPEN_STN request. It indicates that the station requested to be open has already been opened.
760A New route for station This completion code is returned in response to a DL_OPEN_STN request, DL_REQ_OPNSTN request, and DL_CONNECT request.
760B Link disconnected; transmission retry count, N2, exceeded This completion code is returned in response to a DL_DISCONNECT request. It indicates that the LLC layer tried to disconnect the link in an orderly fashion but could not get a response from the remote station. See the IBM® Token-Ring Network Architecture Reference for information on the maximum number of transmissions, N2.
760C Remote station in busy state This completion code is returned in response to a DL_DATA request. It informs the user to temporarily stop sending data to the remote station until the busy condition is removed.
760D Remote station in ready state This completion code is returned in response to a DL_DATA request. It informs the user that the remote station is no longer in a busy state and that data may now be forwarded to the station.
760E Mismatched XID type This completion code is returned in response to a DL_ID request. It indicates that the XID returned in response to the request is of a different type. The XID data received in response is returned with this code in the DL_ID confirm.
760F Link disconnected, DISCONNECT received This completion code is returned in response to a DL_DATA request. It indicates that a DISCONNECT command was received from the remote station when the local station was processing the DL_DATA request. The receipt of the frame associated with the DL_DATA request is not guaranteed.
7610 Link disconnected, Disconnected Mode Response received This completion code is returned in response to either a DL_CONNECT request or a DL_DATA request. It indicates, respectively, that the remote station has rejected the DL_CONNECT request or that the remote station is in disconnected mode, respectively.
7611 SAP deactivated This completion code is returned in response to a DL_DEACTIVATE_SAP request. It indicates that the SAP was successfully deactivated.
7612 MAC_type not valid This completion code is returned in response to a DL_ENABLE request. It indicates that the MAC_type specified in the primitive does not match any of the defined MAC types.
7613 LLC_instance name not valid This completion code is returned in response to a DL_ENABLE request. It indicates that the LLC_instance name specified in the primitive is not valid.
7614 Maximum LPDU size too large This completion code is returned in response to a DL_ENABLE request. It indicates that the LPDU size requested is larger than the LLC or MAC can support.
7615 LLC layer not enabled This completion code is returned in response to a DL_DISABLE or DL_ACTIVATE_SAP request. For the DL_DISABLE request it indicates that the LLC layer was not enabled when the request was received. For the DL_ACTIVATE_SAP request, it indicates that the LLC layer was not enabled as is necessary before activating an SAP.
7616 LSAP already in use This completion code is returned in response to a DL_ACTIVATE_SAP request. The request is rejected because the SAP is already activated.
7617 Aborted by DL_DEACTIVATE_SAP This completion code is returned in response to DL_ACTIVATE_SAP, DL_MODIFY_SAP, DL_OPEN_STN, DL_CLOSE_STN, DL_REQ_OPNSTN, DL_ID, DL_CONNECT, DL_DISCONNECT, DL_DATA, and DL_MSG requests. It indicates that the request could not be processed before the receipt of a DL_DEACTIVATE_SAP requesting the deactivation of the SAP on which the request was being processed.
7618 LLC_SAP_name not valid This completion code is returned in response to a DL_ACTIVATE_SAP request. It indicates that the LLC_SAP_name in the request was not valid.
7619 SAP ID not found SAP not activated This completion code is returned in response to DL_MODIFY_SAP, DL_DEACTIVATE_SAP, DL_OPEN_STN, DL_CLOSE_STN, DL_REQ_OPNSTN, and DL_MSG requests.
761A LSAP address not valid This completion code is returned in response to a DL_ACTIVATE_SAP request. It indicates that the request was rejected because the LSAP address provided with the primitive was not valid.
761B SAP ID not found This completion code is returned in response to DL_OPEN_STN, DL_MODIFY_STN, DL_CLOSE_STN, DL_REQ_OPNSTN, DL_RTV_ATTRIB, DL_ID, DL_CONNECT, DL_DISCONNECT, DL_DATA, and DL_FLOW requests. It indicates that the SAP referenced in the request was not found. As a result, the request is rejected.
761C Station_name not valid This completion code is returned in response to DL_OPEN_STATION and DL_REQ_OPNSTN requests. It indicates that the station name specified in the primitive is not valid.
761D DSAP not valid This completion code is returned in response to DL_OPEN_STN, DL_REQ_OPNSTN, and DL_MSG requests. It indicates that the DSAP specified in the primitive is not valid.
761E Class_of_service not valid This completion code is returned in response to DL_ENABLE and DL_ACTIVATE_SAP requests. It indicates that the class of service requested in the primitive was not valid.
761F MAC SAP name not valid This completion code is returned in response to a DL_ENABLE request. It indicates that the MAC SAP name specified in the primitive is not valid.
7620 MAC_instance name not valid This completion code is returned in response to a DL_ENABLE request. It indicates that the MAC instance name specified in the primitive is not valid.
7621 MAC enable parameter not valid This completion code is returned in response to a DL_ENABLE request. It indicates that one of the MAC enable parameters is not valid.
7622 MAC SAP parameter not valid This completion code is returned in response to DL_ENABLE, DL_ACTIVATE_SAP, and DL_MODIFY_SAP requests. It indicates that the one of the MAC SAP parameters is not valid.
7623 LSAP_type not valid This completion code is returned in response to a DL_ACTIVATE_SAP request. It indicates that the LSAP type is not valid because it is not type 802.2, SNA, or IMPL server.
7624 Aborted by DL_DISCONNECT This completion code is returned in response to a DL_DATA request. It indicates that the connection was disconnected prior to completion of the request to send data.
7625 Data_length exceeded maximum LPDU size This completion code is returned in response to DL_DATA and DL_MSG requests. It indicates that the PDU size request is larger than the maximum LPDU size. The request is rejected.
7626 Link station not in connected state This completion code is returned in response to DL_DATA and DL_FLOW requests. These requests require an established link station and a virtual link to the remote station. The request is rejected.
7627 Link_Error_ Recovery_Option not valid This completion code is returned in response to DL_OPEN_STN, DL_MODIFY_STN, and DL_REQ_OPNSTN requests. It indicates that the link-error-recovery option specified in the primitive is not valid.
7628 Send_Window_Size not valid This completion code is returned in response to DL_OPEN_STN, DL_MODIFY_STN, and DL_REQ_OPNSTN requests. It indicates that the send-window size specified in the primitive is not valid.
7629 ACK frequency, N3 not valid This completion code is returned in response to DL_OPEN_STN, DL_MODIFY_STN, and DL_REQ_OPNSTN requests. It indicates that the send value specified for N3 in the primitive is not valid. See the IBM Token-Ring Network Architecture Reference for information on acknowledgement frequency, N3.
762A Dynamic window option not valid This completion code is returned in response to DL_OPEN_STN, DL_MODIFY_STN, and DL_REQ_OPNSTN requests. It indicates that the value for the dynamic-window option specified in the primitive is not valid.
762B Window step not valid This completion code is returned in response to DL_OPEN_STN, DL_MODIFY_STN, and DL_REQ_OPNSTN requests. It indicates that the value of the window-step parameter specified in the primitive is not valid.
762C Length-of-route field not valid This completion code is returned in response to DL_OPEN_STN, DL_MODIFY_STN, and DL_REQ_OPNSTN requests. It indicates that the length specified for the routing information field is not valid.
762D Route not modified (station in connected state) This completion code is returned in response to a DL_MODIFY_STN request. It indicates that because the station has a Type 2 connection established with a remote station, the route cannot be changed. The request to change the route is rejected.
762E Station of specified SAP ID not found This completion code is returned in response to a DL_CLOSE_STN request. It indicates that the SAP identifier requested to be closed does not exist according to the LLC layer.
762F XID type not valid This completion code is returned in response to a DL_ID request. It indicates that the XID type specified in the request was not known to the LLC layer.
7630 DL_CONNECT outstanding DL_DISCONNECT request cannot be processed at this time because the connect request is still in process. The disconnect command is rejected.
7631 DL_DISCONNECT outstanding DL_CONNECT request cannot be processed at this time because a disconnect request is still in process. The connect command is rejected.
7632 DL_SIM outstanding DL_CONNECT request or DL_DISCONNECT request cannot be processed at this time because the SIM request is still in process.
7633 Previous XID request outstanding This completion code is returned in response to a DL_ID request. It indicates that a request to send an XID has not yet been completed. Only one XID request may be in process at a time.
7634 Requested class of service not supported This completion code is returned in response to DL_ENABLE and DL_ACTIVATE_SAP requests. It indicates that the class of service specified is not supported by the LLC entity. The request is rejected.
7635 Class_of_service not valid This completion code is returned in response to DL_ENABLE and DL_ACTIVATE_SAP requests. It indicates that the class of service requested in the primitive was not valid.
7636 Aborted by DL_CLOSE_STN This completion code is returned in response to DL_OPEN_STN, DL_REQ_OPNSTN, DL_ID, DL_CONNECT, DL_DISCONNECT, and DL_DATA requests. It indicates that a Close Station was received before completing the processing of the request. The request is aborted.
7637 Failure to disable MAC instance This completion code is returned in response to a DL_DISABLE request. In order to disable the LLC layer, the MAC layer must be disabled. This code indicates that there was a problem in disabling the MAC layer.
7638 MAC_ENABLE failed, no resource This completion code is returned in response to a DL_ENABLE request. A MAC_ENABLE request was passed to MAC by LLC as a result of the DL_ENABLE request. The MAC_ENABLE request failed due to a lack of resource.
7639 MAC_ACTIVATE_SAP failed, no resource This completion code is returned in response to a DL_ENABLE request. A MAC_ACTIVATE_SAP request was passed to MAC by LLC as a result of the DL_ACTIVATE_SAP request. The MAC_ACTIVATE_SAP request failed due to a lack of resource.
763A Resource not available This completion code is returned in response to a DL_ENABLE, DL_ACTIVATE_SAP, DL_OPEN_STN, and DL_REQ_OPNSTN requests. This code indicates that a resource needed to complete the request was not available.
763B Route_Resolve failed This completion code is returned in response to DL_OPEN_STN and DL_REQ_OPNSTN requests. This code indicates that the LLC layer was unable to determine a route through the network to the remote station.
763C Link disconnected; transmission retry count, N2, exceeded This completion code is returned in response to DL_CONNECT and DL_DATA requests. It indicates that the LLC layer tried to send the necessary PDU for the request but exhausted the retries. See the IBM Token-Ring Network Architecture Reference for information on the maximum number of transmissions, N2.
763D Link resetting (FRMR sent out) This completion code is returned in response to a DL_DATA request. The LLC layer detected a need to reset the link and sent a frame-reject to the remote station. The request is rejected.
763E Link resetting (FRMR received, SABME being sent) This completion code is returned in response to a DL_DATA request. The remote LLC detected a need to reset the link and sent a frame-reject. The local LLC responded with a SABME to reset the link. The request is rejected.
763F Link resetting (FRMR received, DISC being sent) This completion code is returned in response to a DL_DATA request. The remote LLC detected a need to reset the link and sent a frame-reject. The local LLC responded with a DISC to terminate the link. The request is rejected.
7641 Required parameter(s) not provided This completion code is returned if one or more of the required parameters for this primitive for which no default is available is coded as zero.
7642 Option(s) not valid or incompatible The options specified in the parameter data field are not a valid combination, for example, an attempt is made to open an SAP that has an XID handling option different from that of the group SAP with which it is associated.
7643 Command canceled due to unrecoverable failure This completion code is returned when a command causes an unrecoverable failure of the adapter.
7644 Unauthorized access priority This completion code is returned if an incorrect access priority was requested from an activate_SAP or modify_SAP request.
7645 Command canceled, adapter was not enabled This completion code is returned if the adapter specified in the command was never enabled.
7646 Command canceled, adapter closed while command in process This completion code is returned if the adapter was closed while the command was in process. This could be due to an error condition, or to the receipt of a deactivate_subsystem request being received.
7647 Adapter already enabled This completion code is returned on the adapter_enable confirm when the target adapter has already been enabled by another user. This code does not indicate an error situation.
7648 Adapter already enabled This completion code is returned on the adapter_enable confirm when the target adapter has already been enabled by this user. This code indicates an error.
7649 Adapter already disabled This completion code is returned on the adapter_disable confirm when the target adapter has already been disabled by this user. This code indicates an error.
764A Adapter not enabled This completion code is returned on the adapter_enable confirm when the target adapter cannot be enabled due to either a load failure or a hardware failure. This code indicates an error situation.
764B Adapter value not valid This completion code is returned if any primitive is received for an adapter that is not present.
764B Invalid adapter value This completion code is returned on any command targeted for an adapter that was not explicitly enabled by this user.
764D Error on frame transmission This completion code is returned on a Type I data transmission confirm if the receiving adapter did not copy the data frame from the token-ring network.
764F Error in frame transmit or strip process This completion code is returned on a Type I data transmission confirm if an error was detected by the adapter either during frame transmission or when the frame was read back and checked.
7650 FRMR response received Upon receipt of the FRMR response, the local LLC service provider has sent a RESET indication (local) to the LLC user.
7651 Timer expired and retry exhausted A time-out condition has occurred, and the retry count is exhausted. The local LLC service provider has sent a RESET indication (local) to the LLC user.
7652 SABME received The remote LLC has sent a SABME to the local LLC. The local LLC service provider has sent a RESET indication (remote) to the LLC user. etable.
7653 Link not transmitting I-frames State changed from link-opened This completion code is returned on a LLC_DATA request if the link station leaves the link-opened state due to a received frame (such as DISC) or a timeout.
7655 Disconnected Mode Response received This completion code is returned on the close_station_indication. It indicates the reason the LLC service provider issued the request.
7656 DISC received This completion code is returned on the close_station_indication and provides the reason the LLC service provider issued the request. For example, this code is returned when a 3172 receives a Disconnect from a PC.
7657 Link connection INOP This completion code is returned on the close_station_indication and provides the reason the LLC service provider issued the request.
7658 Parameter exceeded maximum allowed This completion code is a returned when a required parameter in the primitive data field exceeded the maximum allowed value. Try again with a valid value.
7659 Requested membership in non-existent group SAP This completion code is returned if an activate_SAP or modify_SAP request is received, requesting membership in a group SAP that does not exist. See the IBM Token-Ring Network Architecture Reference information on the group SAP.
765C Group SAP has reached maximum membership This completion code is returned if an activate_SAP or modify_SAP request is received, requesting membership in a group SAP that has reached its maximum membership. The command completes up to the point at which the error was encountered. Other parameters have been changed if the request was modify_SAP. See the IBM Token-Ring Network Architecture Reference for information on the group SAP.
765E Member SAP not found in group SAP list This completion code is returned if a Modify_SAP request is received, requesting deletion of the member SAP from a group SAP of which it was not a member. The command completes up to the point at which the adapter encountered the error. Other parameters have been modified as requested. See the IBM Token-Ring Network Architecture Reference for information on the group SAP.
FF02 Duplicate command This completion code is returned if a connect request is received for a link station, while a previous connect request is still in process.
FF0C Command cancelled, version number not valid This completion code is returned if the primitive contained a version number that was not valid.
FF28 Duplicate LLC request This completion code is returned on a DL_DATA or DL_REPLY when a duplicate request with the same source SAP, destination MAC, and priority is received by the LLC service provider.
FF48 Group SAP cannot close, all member SAPs not closed This completion code is returned if a deactivate_SAP request is received for a group SAP while members of that group SAP are still open. Close the members and try the deactivate_SAP request again.
FF4C Sequence error This completion code is returned if a deactivate_SAP or close request is received while other SAP or link commands are still in process. Wait for the commands to complete and re-issue the close request.
FF4F Invalid remote address This completion code is returned if an OPEN_STATION request is received with the remote MAC address parameter high bit of the high byte set to one. This indicates a group address. A group address is not allowed to be specified for this command.

VTAM® hint: A possible cause of code FF4F is that DLCADDR is specified in the definition for a 3172. The 3172 does not currently support DLCADDR. DLCADDR is a parameter on the PATH definition statement for a switched major node.

FF50 Attribute value; no values set not valid This completion code is returned indicating that none of the requested attribute modifications were made.
FF51 Attributes values; one or more values set not valid This completion code is returned indicating partial completion of the requested attribute modifications.
FF52 One or more requested attributes not available This completion code is returned indicating some of the requested attribute values were not available.
FF53 DL_Flow option not valid This completion code is returned if the user specifies flow off when it is already off or flow on when it is already on.
FF76 A frame reject (FRMR) was sent to the DSPU The FRMR sent is the result of one of the following reasons:
  • MAC frame control field not valid
  • I-field contains data that is not valid for that control field included in a SABME
  • The received I-field length exceeds the buffer
  • LPDU control field sequence number error
  • The FRMR response I-field is not five bytes in length