CEESIOP — set interrupt option service

The CEESIOP CWI is invoked to set the PL/I options INTERRUPT or NOINTERRUPT during enclave initialization.


void (*CEECELVBSIOP) (on, [fc])
INT4      *on
Call this CWI interface as follows:
L     R15,3384(,R15)
BALR  R14,R15
on (input)
Is not equal to 0 to set the INTERRUPT option.
fc (output/optional)
A feedback code to indicate the result of this call; possible values are:
CEE000 Message Success.
CEE3HV Message The region default for the runtime option option could not be overridden.
CEE3LO Message The system default for the runtime option option could not be overridden.
Usage Notes:
  1. Unless the INTERRUPT option is marked nonoverrideable, this service can override the IBM-supplied, system-level or region-level default setting and it can be overridden by any other source of options.
  2. The source of this option is marked programmer default in the Language Environment options report.
  3. This routine only has affect in a single-language application. If this routine is called in a multiple-language application, it has no effect and CEE000 is returned.