CEECMIB — create a message insert area entry


The CEECMIB CWI provides a mechanism by which an MIB can be populated; an MIB is managed by Language Environment. The number of ISIs per thread is determined by the MSGQ(x) runtime option. MIBs are released when CEEMSG issues the message, or when the MSGQ(n) runtime option is exceeded. The least recently used MIB is overwritten.


void CEECMIB (cond_rep, Insert_Seq_Num, Insert_Data, [fc])
FEED_BACK *cond_rep;
INT4      *Insert_Seq_Num;
VSTRING   *Insert_Data;
Call this CWI interface as follows:
L     R15,CEECAACELV-CEECAA(,R12)   Address of CAA in R12
L     R15,2748(,R15)
BALR  R14,R15
cond_rep (input)
A condition token defining the condition for which the Q_Data_Token is to be retrieved.
Insert_Seq_Num (input)
A 4-byte integer containing the insert sequence number (for example, insert 1, insert 2). It corresponds to that specified with the ins tag in the message source file.
Insert_Data (input)
The insert data. The data type is a halfword-prefixed fixed-length string. The entire length that is described in the halfword prefix is used without truncation. DBCS needs to be enclosed within SO/SI.
fc (output/optional)
A condition token which can return the following conditions:
CEE000 Severity 0
Msg_No 0000
Message The service completed successfully.
CEE0EB Severity 3
Msg_No 0459
Message An invalid MIB Sequence number was found.
CEE0H9 Severity 3
Msg_No 0553
Message An invalid insert_seq_num was found.