CEEQFBC — query feedback code routine

The CEEQFBC CWI constructs a condition token given a Language Environment symbolic condition name.


void CEEQFBC (cond_name, cond_token, [fc])
VSTRING    *cond_name;
FEED_BACK  *cond_token;
Call this CWI interface as follows:
L     R12,A(CAA)            Get the address of CAA in R12
L     R15,2976(,R15)
BALR  R14,R15
cond_name (input)
A halfword-prefixed character string symbolic condition name.
cond_token (output)
A 12-byte condition token that is constructed from the Language Environment symbolic name. The I_S_Info field is set to binary zero.
fc (output/optional)
The parameter in which the callable service feedback code is placed. The following conditions can result from this service.
CEE000 Severity 0
Msg_No N/A
Message The service completed successfully.
CEE3A8 Severity 1
Msg_No 3400
Message The condition name was not recognized and the value of the cond_token is undefined.
  1. If the condition token is unrecognized, the value of cond_token is undefined.
  2. Language Environment recognizes cond_name values that start with CEE and have a corresponding message within the Language Environment message set. If the cond_name does not start with CEE, Language Environment polls the members.