IMS to Language Environment

The new interface from IMS™ to Language Environment supports all Language Environment-enabled languages. ILC capabilities are enhanced. IMS constructs a parameter list as shown in Figure 1.

XPLINK applications are supported under IMS. For more information about XPLINK, see Extra Performance Linkage (XPLINK) CALL linkage conventions.

Figure 1. IMS parameter list format
IMS parameter list format
Usage notes:
  1. R1 contains the address of a parameter address list. Each word in the list contains the address of a PCB.
  2. R1 has the high-order bit on indicating this particular parameter list format.
  3. This interface can be manufactured regardless of the mechanism of application invocation (for example, BALR or SVC LINK).
  4. IMS always constructs this parameter list format regardless of the LANG option on the PSB.
  5. The last word in each of the above boxes has the high order bit set on, as indicated by the '1'.
  6. When the indirect list is passed to the application, the high order bit should be turned off in the last A(PCB_n).