U4080 (X'FF0')


This completion code was issued for one of the following reasons:

  1. An error occurred, but the usual error message could not be displayed. This error occurred early during initialization or late in termination, when Language Environment® could not display the message. This ABEND is issued from CEEMMSG or CEEKMSG.
  2. An error occurred while writing to the Language Environment message file. This could be a normal message file write, or it could be during output of the Options Report or Storage Report. This ABEND is issued from CEEMOUTM. Register 9 contains the errno2 value associated with the write failure.

The reason code associated with the completion code identifies the message that could not be displayed or identifies a write failure. Note that message inserts are not available.

Reason code
Corresponds to message number CEEnnnnX (X = I, W, E, S, C.)
Corresponds to message number EDCnnnnX (X = I, W, E, S, C)
Used for non-CEEnnnnX and non-EDCnnnnX messages. The Facility ID is not displayed in the ABEND reason code, but nnnnn is the message number. This prefix is used for messages normally issued through CEEMMSG.
Used for non-CEEnnnnX and non-EDCnnnnX messages. The Facility ID is not displayed in the ABEND reason code, but nnnnn is the message number. This prefix is used for messages normally issued through CEEKMSG.
A possible cause is that the standard stream file descriptors not being made available to an exec()ed application during initialization. If the standard stream file descriptors are not available, the C stderr stream (file descriptor 2) is effectively killed during application startup. If the application does not redirect stderr, then the first attempt to write a message or output the first line of either the Options Report or Storage Report will result in an fflush or fwrite failure.

Another possible cause is that the C stderr dataset was opened prior to a fork() being issued. Since MVS™ datasets cannot be propagated to the new forked process, the C stderr stream is effectively marked as invalid during fork processing. After this, the first attempt by the child to write a message or output the first line of either the Options Report or Storage Report will result in an write failure to stderr.

For more information about the error condition for CEEnnnnX and EDCnnnnX messages, find the message number in one of the message topics in this document.

System action

See the indicated message for the appropriate system action.

Programmer response

Check if one of the possible causes for the reason code might be the problem, otherwise see the indicated message for the appropriate programmer response.