Search argument argument-number in the WHEN phrase of the SEARCH ALL statement in program program-name on line number line-number was longer than the corresponding key. The excess digit or character positions of the argument were not zeros or spaces respectively, and so the argument could never match the key in any of the table entries.


The SEARCH ALL statement specified a search argument that was longer than the table key, and since the excess digits or characters were not zeros or spaces respectively, the comparison of the argument and the keys would always be unequal. Hence the SEARCH ALL statement could never succeed in locating a matching table entry.

System action

No system action was taken.

Programmer response

Initialize the excess argument positions to zeros or blanks as appropriate before issuing the SEARCH ALL statement. Alternatively, use a MOVE statement to move the argument to a shorter temporary variable to truncate the excess argument positions, then use that temporary variable as the SEARCH ALL argument.

Symbolic Feedback Code
