The MTF parallel subroutine load module module-name, the name of which was specified in the AUTOTASK run-time option, did not exist in the load library specified by the AUTOTASK file definition statement. VS FORTRAN Version 2 Error Number: AFB919I-1

System action

The condition is signaled, and the application is terminated.

Qualifying Data: None

Permissible Resume Actions: None

Programmer response

Ensure that your multitasking facility (MTF) parallel subroutine load module was link-edited as a member of the partitioned data set referenced by the file definition (DD statement or ALLOCATE command) with the ddname of AUTOTASK. Use the name of this member in the AUTOTASK run-time option, which must be in the following format:

Name of the parallel subroutine load module; that is, the name of the member in the data set referenced by the file definition with the ddname AUTOTASK.
Number of tasks to be created by MTF.

Symbolic Feedback Code
