The shareable load module module-name, which was loaded by the nonshareable part of program unit program-unit, did not contain the shareable part shareable-part-name. VS FORTRAN Version Error 2 Number: AFB148I


Program unit program-unit was compiled with the RENT compiler option and was separated into its nonshareable and shareable parts. During execution, the program's nonshareable part loaded a load module that was supposed to contain the program's shareable part. However, the load module did not contain the expected shareable part.

System action

The condition is signaled. If the condition is unhandled, the application is terminated.

Qualifying Data: None

Permissible Resume Actions: None

Programmer response

Use the Fortran reentrant program separation tool to separate the shareable and nonshareable parts of the program that was compiled with the RENT compiler option. (This tool is invoked by the use of the cataloged procedures AFHWRL and AFHWRLG.) Then ensure that during the execution of the program, the load module containing the shareable part is available either in a library referenced by a STEPLIB DD statement or in a link pack area. Also ensure that some previous copy isn't accessible.

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