The common block common-name of length length could not be created because there was insufficient virtual storage. VS FORTRAN Version Error 2 Number: AFB156I

System action

The condition is signaled. If the condition is unhandled, the application is terminated.

Qualifying Data:

No. Name Input/ Output Data Type and Length Value
1 parm-count Input INTEGER*4 3
2 common-name Input CHARACTER*31 Name of common block.
3 length Input/ Output INTEGER*4 Length of common block.

Permissable Resume Actions:

Name Action Taken after Resumption
RN The service is not completed, a return code of return code is set, and execution resumes.
RI An attempt is made to acquire virtual storage for the common block. common-name using the length provided in length. If this is successful, execution continues but the results of execution are unpredictable if data in the dynamic common block beyond the length provided as length is referenced.

Programmer response

Run your application in a larger region. You can change the region size with the REGION parameter on the EXEC statement in your JCL.

If the application allows it, you could also recompile all program units that refer to common block common-name with declarations that result in a smaller length for this or for other common blocks.

If there are allocatable arrays that are allocated but not currently in use, then deallocate them to make more storage available.

If one of your routines is running in 24-bit addressing mode, remember that dynamic common blocks acquired for it are created in virtual storage below 16 Mb, where storage is limited. However, when the routine is running in 31-bit addressing mode, dynamic common blocks acquired for it are created in virtual storage above 16 Mb, where there is normally much more storage available. Therefore, if your application is running in 24-bit addressing mode and if it could run in 31-bit addressing mode instead, then making this change could alleviate this storage constraint. But before link editing the application with the AMODE=31 option, you should be sure that there aren't any program units, such as those compiled with the FORTRAN IV H Extended compiler, that aren't capable of running in 31-bit addressing mode.

Symbolic Feedback Code
