z/OS Language Environment Writing Interlanguage Communication Applications
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Exception occurs in PL/I

z/OS Language Environment Writing Interlanguage Communication Applications

This scenario describes the behavior of an application that contains a PL/I and a C routine. Refer to Figure 1 throughout the following discussion. In this example, a C main routine invokes a PL/I subroutine. An exception occurs in the PL/I subroutine.

Figure 1. Stack contents when the PL/I exception occurs
The figure shows the contents of the stack when the exception occurs

The actions taken are the following:

  1. In the enablement step, PL/I determines if the exception that occurred should be handled as a condition according to the PL/I rules of enablement.
    • If the exception is to be ignored, control is returned to the next sequential instruction after where the exception occurred.
    • If the exception is to be enabled and processed as a condition, the condition handling step takes place.
  2. If a user-written condition handler has been registered on the PL/I stack frame using CEEHDLR, it is given control. If it issues a resume, the condition handling step ends. Processing continues in the routine at the point where the resume cursor points. In this example, no user-written condition handler is registered for the condition, so the condition is percolated.
  3. If an ON-unit has been established for the condition being processed on the PL/I stack frame, it is given control. If it issues a GOTO out-of-block, the condition handling step ends. Execution resumes at the label of the GOTO. In this example, no ON-unit is established for the condition, so the condition is percolated.
  4. If a user-written condition handler has been registered using CEEHDLR on the C stack frame, it is given control. If it issues a resume, the condition handling step ends. Processing continues in the routine to which the resume cursor points.
    Note: There are special considerations for resuming from some IBM® conditions of severity 2 or greater. See the chapter on coding a user-written condition handler in z/OS Language Environment Programming Guide for more information.

    In this example, no user-written condition handler is registered for the condition, so the condition is percolated.

  5. If a C signal handler has been registered for the condition, it is given control. If it successfully issues a resume or a call to longjmp(), the condition handling step ends. Processing resumes in the routine to which the resume cursor points.

    In this example no C signal handler is registered for the condition, so the condition is percolated.

  6. What happens next depends on whether the condition is promotable to the PL/I ERROR condition. The following can happen:
    • If the condition is not promotable to the PL/I ERROR condition, then the Language Environment default actions take place, as described in Table 1. Condition handling ends.
    • If the PL/I default action for the condition is to promote it to the PL/I ERROR condition, the condition is promoted, and another pass of the stack is made to look for ERROR ON-units or user-written condition handlers. If an ERROR ON-unit or user-written condition handler is found, it is invoked.
    • If either of the following occurs:
      • An ERROR ON-unit or user-written condition handler is found, but it does not issue a GOTO out of block or similar construct
      • No ERROR ON-unit or user-written condition handler is found
      then the ERROR condition is promoted to T_I_U (Termination Imminent due to an Unhandled condition). Condition handling now enters the termination imminent step. Because T_I_U maps to the PL/I FINISH condition, a FINISH ON-unit is run if the stack frame in which it is established is reached.
    • If no condition handler moves the resume cursor and issues a resume, Language Environment terminates the thread.

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