Creating application-specific runtime option defaults with CEEXOPT

Start of changeYou can specify a set of application-specific runtime option defaults with the CEEUOPT assembler language source program. When the CEEUOPT source program is assembled, the CEEXOPT macro creates an object module, called CEEUOPT, that can be linked with a program to establish application default options.End of change

Start of changeThe CEE.SCEESAMP data set contains the IBM-supplied sample for the CEEUOPT source program, as shown in Figure 1. In the CEEUOPT sample, all runtime options are coded with the IBM-supplied default suboption values. See z/OS Language Environment Programming Reference to select the values appropriate for your application.End of change

Start of changeThe options and suboptions specified in CEEUOPT override the defaults, unless the system-level or region-level defaults were set as nonoverridable (NONOVR). Options specified in CEEUOPT cannot be designated as overridable or nonoverridable.End of change

Start of changeThe CEE.SCEESAMP data set also contains CEEWUOPT, which is the sample job used to assemble the CEEUOPT source program to create the CEEUOPT object module in a user-specified library. CEEWUOPT does not use SMP/E to create the CEEUOPT object module, so it can be run several times to create several different CEEUOPT modules, each in its own user-specified library.End of change

Start of change
Figure 1. Sample Invocation of CEEXOPT within CEEUOPT source program
 CEEUOPT  CSECT                                                         
CEEUOPT  AMODE ANY                                                      
CEEUOPT  RMODE ANY                                                      
         CEEXOPT ABPERC=(NONE),                                        X
               ABTERMENC=(ABEND),                                      X
               AIXBLD=(OFF),                                           X
               ALL31=(ON),                                             X
               ANYHEAP=(16K,8K,ANYWHERE,FREE),                         X
               BELOWHEAP=(8K,4K,FREE),                                 X
               CBLOPTS=(ON),                                           X
               CBLPSHPOP=(ON),                                         X
               CBLQDA=(OFF),                                           X
               CEEDUMP=(60,SYSOUT=*,FREE=END,SPIN=UNALLOC),            X
               CHECK=(ON),                                             X
               COUNTRY=(US),                                           X
               DEBUG=(OFF),                                            X
               DEPTHCONDLMT=(10),                                      X
               DYNDUMP=(*USERID,NODYNAMIC,TDUMP),                      X
               ENVAR=(''),                                             X
               ERRCOUNT=(0),                                           X
               ERRUNIT=(6),                                            X
               FILEHIST=(ON),                                          X
               FILETAG=(NOAUTOCVT,NOAUTOTAG),                          X
               HEAP=(32K,32K,ANYWHERE,KEEP,8K,4K),                     X
               HEAPCHK=(OFF,1,0,0,0,1024,0,1024,0),                    X
               HEAPPOOLS=(OFF,8,10,32,10,128,10,256,10,1024,10,2048,   X
               10,0,10,0,10,0,10,0,10,0,10,0,10),                      X
               HEAPZONES=(0,ABEND,0,ABEND),                            X
               INFOMSGFILTER=(OFF,,,,),                                X
               INQPCOPN=(ON),                                          X
               INTERRUPT=(OFF),                                        X
               LIBSTACK=(4K,4K,FREE),                                  X
               MSGFILE=(SYSOUT,FBA,121,0,NOENQ),                       X
               MSGQ=(15),                                              X
               NATLANG=(ENU),                                          X
               NOAUTOTASK=,                                            X
               NOTEST=(ALL,*,PROMPT,INSPPREF),                         X
               NOUSRHDLR=(''),                                         X
               OCSTATUS=(ON),                                          X
               PAGEFRAMESIZE=(4K,4K,4K),                               X
               PC=(OFF),                                               X
               PLITASKCOUNT=(20),                                      X
               POSIX=(OFF),                                            X
               PROFILE=(OFF,''),                                       X
               PRTUNIT=(6),                                            X
               PUNUNIT=(7),                                            X
               RDRUNIT=(5),                                            X
               RECPAD=(OFF),                                           X
               RPTOPTS=(OFF),                                          X
               RPTSTG=(OFF),                                           X
               RTEREUS=(OFF),                                          X
               SIMVRD=(OFF),                                           X
               STACK=(128K,128K,ANYWHERE,KEEP,512K,128K),              X
               STORAGE=(NONE,NONE,NONE,0K),                            X
               TERMTHDACT=(TRACE,,96),                                 X
               THREADHEAP=(4K,4K,ANYWHERE,KEEP),                       X
               THREADSTACK=(OFF,4K,4K,ANYWHERE,KEEP,128K,128K),        X
               TRACE=(OFF,4K,DUMP,LE=0),                               X
               TRAP=(ON,SPIE),                                         X
               UPSI=(00000000),                                        X
               VCTRSAVE=(OFF),                                         X
               XPLINK=(OFF),                                           X
End of change