An example program invocation of CEEPIPI

This section includes a sample of a PreInit assembler driver program. This assembler program called ASMPIPI invokes CEEPIPI to:
Following the assembler program are examples of the program HLLPIPI written in C, COBOL, and PL/I. HLLPIPI is called by an assembler program, ASMPIPI. ASMPIPI uses the Language Environment preinitialized program subroutine call interface. You can use the assembler program to call the HLL versions of HLLPIPI.
*                                                                     *
*   Function :  CEEPIPI - Initialize the Preinit                      *
*                         environment, call a Preinit                 *
*                         HLL program, and terminate the environment. *
*                                                                     *
* 1.Call CEEPIPI to initialize a subroutine environment.              *
* 2.Call CEEPIPI to load and call a reentrant HLL subroutine.         *
* 3.Call CEEPIPI to terminate the Preinit environment.   *
*                                                                     *
* Note:  ASMPIPI is not reentrant.                                    *
*                                                                     *
* =====================================================================
* Standard program entry conventions.
* =====================================================================
         STM   R14,R12,12(R13)    Save caller's registers
         LR    R12,R15            Get base address
         USING ASMPIPI,R12        Identify base register
         ST    R13,SAVE+4         Back-chain the save area
         LA    R15,SAVE           Get addr of this routine's save area
         ST    R15,8(R13)         Forward-chain in caller's save area
         LR    R13,R15            R13 -> save area of this routine
* Load   CEEPIPI service routine into main storage.
         LOAD  EP=CEEPIPI         Load CEEPIPI routine dynamically
         ST    R0,PPRTNPTR        Save the addr of CEEPIPI routine
* Initialize a Preinit subroutine environment.
         LA    R5,PPTBL           Get address of Preinit Table
         ST    R5,@CEXPTBL        Ceexptbl-addr -> Preinit Table
         L     R15,PPRTNPTR       Get address of CEEPIPI routine
*                                 Invoke CEEPIPI routine
*                                 Check return code:
         LTR   R2,R15               Is R15 = zero?
         BZ    CSUB                 Yes (success).. go to next section
*                                   No (failure).. issue message
         WTO   'ASMPIPI : call to (INIT_SUB) failed',ROUTCDE=11
         C     R2,=F'8'           Check for partial initialization
         BE    TSUB                 Yes.. go do Preinit termination
*                                   No.. issue message & quit
         WTO   'ASMPIPI : INIT_SUB failure RC is not 8.',ROUTCDE=11
         ABEND (R2),DUMP          Abend with bad RC and dump memory
* Call the subroutine, which is loaded by LE
CSUB     EQU   *
         L     R15,PPRTNPTR       Get address of CEEPIPI routine
         CALL  (15),(CALLSUB,PTBINDEX,TOKEN,PARMPTR,                   X
               SUBRETC,SUBRSNC,SUBFBC)   Invoke CEEPIPI routine
*                                 Check return code:
         LTR   R2,R15               Is R15 = zero?
         BZ    TSUB                 Yes (success).. go to next section
*                                   No (failure).. issue message & quit
         WTO   'ASMPIPI : call to (CALL_SUB) failed',ROUTCDE=11
         ABEND (R2),DUMP          Abend with bad RC and dump memory
* Terminate the environment
TSUB     EQU   *
         L     R15,PPRTNPTR       Get address of CEEPIPI routine
         CALL  (15),(TERM,TOKEN,ENV_RC)  Invoke CEEPIPI routine
*                                 Check return code:
         LTR   R2,R15               Is R15 = zero ?
         BZ    DONE                 Yes (success).. go to next section
*                                   No (failure).. issue message & quit
         WTO   'ASMPIPI : call to (TERM) failed',ROUTCDE=11
         ABEND (R2),DUMP          Abend with bad RC and dump memory
* Standard exit code.
DONE     EQU   *
         LA    R15,0                Passed return code for system
         L     R13,SAVE+4           Get address of caller's save area
         L     R14,12(R13)          Reload caller's register 14
         LM    R0,R12,20(R13)       Reload caller's registers 0-12
         BR    R14                  Branch back to caller
* =====================================================================
* =====================================================================
SAVE     DC    18F'0'
PPRTNPTR DS    A                  Save the address of CEEPIPI routine
* Parameters passed to a (INIT_SUB) call.
INITSUB  DC    F'3'               Function code to initialize for subr
@CEXPTBL DC    A(PPTBL)           Address of Preinit Table
@SRVRTNS DC    A(0)               Addr of service-rtns vector, 0 = none
RUNTMOPT DC    CL255' '           Fixed length string of runtime optns
TOKEN    DS    F                  Unique value returned (output)
* Parameters passed to a (CALL_SUB) call.
CALLSUB  DC    F'4'               Function code to call subroutine
PTBINDEX DC    F'0'               The row number of Preinit Table entry
PARMPTR  DC    A(0)               Pointer to @PARMLIST or zero if none
SUBRETC  DS    F                  Subroutine return code (output)
SUBRSNC  DS    F                  Subroutine reason code (output)
SUBFBC   DS    3F                 Subroutine feedback token (output)
* Parameters passed to a (TERM) call.
TERM     DC    F'5'               Function code to terminate
ENV_RC   DS    F                  Environment return code (output)
* =====================================================================
* Preinit Table.
* =====================================================================
PPTBL    CEEXPIT  ,               Preinit Table with index
         CEEXPITY HLLPIPI,0       0 = dynamically loaded routine
         CEEXPITS ,               End of PreInit table
R0       EQU   0
R1       EQU   1
R2       EQU   2
R3       EQU   3
R4       EQU   4
R5       EQU   5
R6       EQU   6
R7       EQU   7
R8       EQU   8
R9       EQU   9
R10      EQU   10
R11      EQU   11
R12      EQU   12
R13      EQU   13
R14      EQU   14
R15      EQU   15
         END   ASMPIPI