Preinitialization interface

The following section describes how to invoke the PreInit interface, CEEPIPI, to perform the following tasks:

The PreInit services offered under Language Environment using CEEPIPI are listed in Table 1.

Table 1. Preinitialization services accessed using CEEPIPI
Function code Integer value Service performed
init_main 1 Create and initialize an environment for multiple executions of main routines.
init_main_dp 19 Create and initialize an environment for multiple executions of main routines.
init_sub 3 Create and initialize an environment for multiple executions of subroutines.
init_sub_dp 9 Create and initialize an environment for multiple executions of subroutines.
Application invocation
call_main 2 Invoke a main routine within an already initialized environment.
call_sub 4 Invoke a subroutine within an already initialized environment.
start_seq 7 Start a sequence of uninterruptable calls to a number of subroutines.
call_sub_addr 10 Invoke a subroutine by address within an already initialized environment.
term 5 Explicitly terminate the environment without executing a user routine.
end_seq 8 Terminate a sequence of uninterruptable calls to a number of subroutines.
Addition of an entry to PreInit table
add_entry 6 Dynamically add a candidate routine to execute within the preinitialized environment.
Deletion of an entry from PreInit table
delete_entry 11 Delete an entry from the PreInit table, making it available for subsequent add_entry functions.
Identification of a PreInit table entry
identify_entry 13 Identify the programming language of an entry in the PreInit table.
identify_attributes 16 Identify the attributes of an entry in the PreInit table.
Identification of the environment
identify_environment 15 Identify the environment that was preinitialized.
Access to the CAA user word
set_user_word 17 Set value to be used to initialize CAA user word.
get_user_word 18 Get value to be used to initialize CAA user word.