Return codes

Register 15 contains a return code indicating if an environment was successfully initialized. Possible return codes Start of change(in decimal)End of change are:
A new environment was successfully initialized.
The function code is not valid.
All addresses in the table were not resolved. This can occur if a LOAD failure was encountered, a routine within the table was not generated by a Language Environment-conforming HLL, or a C or PL/I routine within the table was not fetchable.
Storage for the preinitialization environment could not be obtained.
CEEPIPI was called from an active environment.
An unhandled error condition was encountered. This error is a result of a program interrupt or other abend that occurred that prevented the preinitialization services from completing.
An entry in the PreInit table is an XPLINK subroutine and the environment is a non-XPLINK sub environment. This entry is not valid.