Message handling under CICS

The MSGFILE runtime option is ignored under CICS®, because messages for a run unit are directed instead to the CICS transient data queue named CESE.

Messages are prefixed by a terminal ID, a transaction ID, a date, and a timestamp before their transmission. Figure 1 illustrates this format.

Figure 1. Format of messages sent to CESE
The ASA is 1, the terminal ID is 4, the transaction ID is 4, there is one space, the time stamp is 14, there is another space, and the message identifier and text is 132.
The American National Standard Code for Information Interchange (ASCII) carriage-control character (optional character).
Terminal ID
A 4-character terminal identifier.
Transaction ID
A 4-character transaction identifier.
A space.
The date and time displayed in the same format as that returned by the CEELOCT service.
The message identifier and message text.

The entire message record is preceded by an ASCII control character to determine the format of the printing.

Message records are V-format.

See Using and handling messages for a complete description of Language Environment message handling.