List of the general callable services

The general callable services are a set of callable services that are not directly related to a specific Language Environment function.

Related callable services:
Suspends processing of an active enclave for a specified number of seconds up to a maximum of 1 hour.
Generates a dump of the Language Environment runtime environment and member language libraries
Sets or queries one of two 4-byte fields known as the user area fields
Suspends processing of an active enclave for a specified number of milliseconds up to a maximum of 1 hour.
Retrieves Language Environment version and platform ID
Start of changeCEEGTJSEnd of change
Start of changeRetrieves the value of an exported JCL symbol.End of change
Returns information about the current enclave to the calling routine
Generates a sequence of uniform pseudorandom numbers between 0.0 and 1.0
CEEENV is a language neutral callable service to get, set, clear, and unset Language Environment® variables.
Invokes a debug tool, such as the Debug Tool

See z/OS Language Environment Programming Reference for syntax information for callable services.