Understanding the Language Environment dump

The Language Environment dump service generates output of data and storage from the Language Environment runtime environment on an enclave basis. This output contains the information needed to debug most basic routine errors.

Figure 4 illustrates a dump for enclave main. The example shows full use of the TERMTHDACT dump options. Ellipses are used to summarize some sections of the dump and information regarding unhandled conditions may not be present at all. Sections of the dump are numbered to correspond with the descriptions given in Sections of the Language Environment dump.

The CEE3DMP was generated by the C program CELQSAMP shown in Figure 1. CELQSAMP uses the DLL CELQDLL shown in Figure 3.

Figure 1. The C program CELQSAMP (AMODE 64) (Part 1 of 2)
#pragma options(SERVICE("1.8"),NOOPT,GONUM)
#pragma runopts(TRACE(ON,1M,NODUMP,LE=1),HEAPCHK(ON))
#pragma runopts(RPTSTG(ON))
#include <pthread.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <dll.h>

typedef void* FUNC(void *);

pthread_mutex_t      mut;
pthread_t            thread[2];
int                  threads_joined = 0;
char *               t1 = "Thread 1";
char *               t2 = "Thread 2";
/*  thread_func: Invoked via pthread_create.                         */
void *thread_func(void *parm)
  printf(">>> Thread_func: %s locking mutex\n",parm);
  printf(">>> Thread_func: %s exitting\n",parm);
/*  Start of Main function.                                          */
  dllhandle *          handle;
  FUNC *               fp;
  FILE*                fp1;
  FILE*                fp2;

  printf("Load DLL...\n");
  handle = dllload("CELQDLL");
  if (handle == NULL) {
    perror("Could not load DLL CELQDLL");

  printf("Query DLL...\n");
  fp = (FUNC *)dllqueryfn(handle,"div_zero");
  if (fp == NULL) {
    perror("Could not find thread_func");

  printf("Init MUTEX...\n");
  if (pthread_mutex_init(&mut, NULL) == -1) {
    perror("Init of mut failed");
  }  printf("Lock Mutex Lock...\n");
  if (pthread_mutex_lock(&mut) == -1) {
    perror("Lock of mut failed");
Figure 2. The C program CELQSAMP (AMODE 64) (Part 2 of 2)
  printf("Create 1st thread...\n");
  if (pthread_create(&thread[0],NULL,thread_func,(void *)t1) == -1) {
    perror("Could not create thread #1");

  printf("Create 2nd thread...\n");
  if (pthread_create(&thread[1],NULL,thread_func,(void *)t2) == -1) {
    perror("Could not create thread #2");
  printf("Write to some files...\n");
  fp1 = fopen("myfile.data", "w");
  if (!fp1) {
    perror("Could not open myfile.data for write");

  fprintf(fp1, "record 1\n");
  fprintf(fp1, "record 2\n");
  fprintf(fp1, "record 3\n");

  fp2 = fopen("memory.data", "wb,type=memory");
  if (!fp2) {
    perror("Could not open memory.data for write");

  fprintf(fp2, "some data");
  fprintf(fp2, "some more data");
  fprintf(fp2, "even more data");

  printf("Call div_zero...\n");

  printf("Error -- Should not get here\n");
Figure 3. The C DLL CELQDLL (AMODE 64)
/* DLL containing div_zero */
#pragma options(SERVICE("1.8"),NOOPT,GONUM)
#pragma export(div_zero)
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
char wsa_array[11] = { 'C','E','L','Q','D','L','L',' ','W','S','A'};
/*  div_zero: Cause divide by zero exception                         */
void *div_zero(void *parm)
  int                  i = 0;

  printf("Divide by zero...\n");
  i = 1/i;
  printf("Error -- Should not get here. i=%d\n",i);

For easy reference, the sections of the following dump are numbered to correspond with the descriptions in Sections of the Language Environment dump.

Figure 4. Example dump using CEE3DMP (AMODE 64) (Part 1 of 9)
[1] CEE3DMP V1 R9.0: Condition processing resulted in the unhandled condition.         Wed Jan 17 21:19:59 2007             Page:    1
    ASID: 0028   Job ID: JOB00051   Job name: CELQSAMP   Step name: STEP1      PID: 67108872   Parent PID: 1   User name: IBMUSER
[2] CEE3845I CEEDUMP Processing started.
[3] Information for enclave main
[4]   Information for thread 253E019000000000
[5]   Traceback:
        DSA   Entry       E  Offset  Statement   Load Mod             Program Unit                   Service  Status
        1     CEEHDSP     +00000000              CELQLIB              CEEHDSP                        D1908    Call
        2     CEEOSIGJ    +0000094E              CELQLIB              CEEOSIGJ                       D1908    Call
        3     CELQHROD    +0000024E              CELQLIB              CELQHROD                       D1908    Call
        4     CEEOSIGG    +1B032E48              CELQLIB              CEEOSIGG                       D1908    Call
        5     CELQHROD    +0000024E              CELQLIB              CELQHROD                       D1908    Call
        6     div_zero    +0000004E  15          CELQDLL              CELQDLL                        1.4.f    Exception
        7     main        +00000468  98          CELQSAMP             CELQSAMP                       1.2.d    Call
        8     CELQINIT    +0000134C              CELQLIB              CELQINIT                       D1908    Call
        DSA   DSA Addr          E  Addr             PU Addr           PU Offset   Comp Date Compile Attributes
        1     00000001082FAAC0  00000000251B6060    00000000251B6060  00000000    20061215  CEL       POSIX  XPLINK  EBCDIC  HFP
        2     00000001082FD3E0  000000002504AAB0    000000002504AAB0  0000094E    20070109  CEL       POSIX  XPLINK  EBCDIC  HFP
        3     00000001082FDDE0  00000000251C9480    00000000251C9480  0000024E    20061215  CEL       POSIX  XPLINK  EBCDIC  HFP
        4     00000001082FE020  00000000253D11F8    00000000253D11F8  1B032E48    20061215  CEL       POSIX  XPLINK  EBCDIC  HFP
        5     00000001082FEE40  00000000251C9480    00000000251C9480  0000024E    20061215  CEL       POSIX  XPLINK  EBCDIC  HFP
        6     00000001082FF080  000000002575B5A0    0000000000000000  ********    20070117  C/C++     POSIX  XPLINK  EBCDIC  IEEE
        7     00000001082FF180  00000000250000D8    0000000000000000  ********    20070117  C/C++     POSIX  XPLINK  EBCDIC  IEEE
        8     00000001082FF280  0000000025005010    0000000025005010  0000134C    20061215  CEL       POSIX  XPLINK  EBCDIC  HFP
        Fully Qualified Names
        DSA   Entry       Program Unit                                        Load Module
        6     div_zero    PLPSC://'POSIX.CRTL.C(CELQDLL)'                     CELQDLL
        7     main        PLPSC://'POSIX.CRTL.C(CELQSAMP)'                    CELQSAMP 

[6]   Condition Information for Active Routines
        Condition Information for PLPSC://'POSIX.CRTL.C(CELQDLL)' (DSA address 00000001082FF080)
          CIB Address: 00000001082FBE00
          Current Condition:
            CEE0198S The termination of a thread was signaled due to an unhandled condition.
          Original Condition:
            CEE3209S The system detected a fixed-point divide exception (System Completion Code=0C9).
            Program Unit: PLPSC://'POSIX.CRTL.C(CELQDLL)'
            Entry:        div_zero Statement: 15 Offset: +0000004E
          Machine State:
            ILC..... 0002    Interruption Code..... 0009
            PSW..... 0785240180000000 000000002575B5F0
            GPR0..... 0000000000000000  GPR1..... 0000000100009DF0  GPR2..... 00000001082FF278  GPR3..... 0000000000000012
            GPR4..... 00000001082FF080  GPR5..... 00000000000000C0  GPR6..... 0000000000000000  GPR7..... 0000000000000001
            GPR8..... 000000002575B5AC  GPR9..... 000000002575B638  GPR10.... 00000000250014B0  GPR11.... 0000000108FC5E70
            GPR12.... 0000000100005340  GPR13.... 0000000000006F58  GPR14.... 0000000025250098  GPR15.... 000000000000001F
Figure 5. Example dump using CEE3DMP (AMODE 64) (Part 2 of 9)
        Storage dump near condition, beginning at location(000000002575B5DE)
          +0000 000000002575B5DE  0700E300 48C00014 A7690001 8E600020  |..T.....x....-..|
          +0010 000000002575B5EE  1D60B904 00075000 48C0E320 48C00014  |.-....&...T.....|
          Storage around GPR0 (0000000000000000)
            +0000 0000000000000000  Inaccessible storage.
            +0010 0000000000000010  Inaccessible storage.
            +0020 0000000000000020  Inaccessible storage.
            +0030 0000000000000030  Inaccessible storage.
            +0040 0000000000000040  Inaccessible storage.
            +0050 0000000000000050  Inaccessible storage.
          Storage around GPR1 (0000000100009DF0)
            -0020 0000000100009DD0  00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000  |................|
            -0010 0000000100009DE0 - +FFFFFF 0000000100009DEF             same as above
          Storage around GPR15(000000000000001F)
            -001F 0000000000000000  Inaccessible storage.
            -000F 0000000000000010  Inaccessible storage.
            +0001 0000000000000020  Inaccessible storage.
            +0011 0000000000000030  Inaccessible storage.
            +0021 0000000000000040  Inaccessible storage.
            +0031 0000000000000050  Inaccessible storage.

[7]   Parameters, Registers, and Variables for Active Routines:
        div_zero (DSA address 00000001082FF080):
          Saved Registers:
            GPR0..... ****************  GPR1..... ****************  GPR2..... ****************  GPR3..... ****************
            GPR4..... 00000001082FF080  GPR5..... BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB  GPR6..... 00000000251C9480  GPR7..... 0000000000000001
            GPR8..... 000000002575B5AC  GPR9..... 000000002575B638  GPR10.... 00000000250014B0  GPR11.... 0000000108FC5E70
            GPR12.... 4040404040404040  GPR13.... 4040404040404040  GPR14.... 4040404040404040  GPR15.... 4040404040404040
          Storage around GPR0  is invalid.
          Storage around GPR1  is invalid.
          Storage around GPR2  is invalid.
          Storage around GPR3  is invalid.
          Storage around GPR4 (00000001082FF080)
            +0800 00000001082FF880  00000001 082FF180 00000001 083710A0  |......1.........|
            +0810 00000001082FF890  00000000 2575B5A0 00000000 25000542  |................|
            +0820 00000001082FF8A0  00000000 250000E4 00000000 25000658  |.......U........|
            +0830 00000001082FF8B0  00000000 250014B0 00000001 08FC5E70  |..............;.|
            +0840 00000001082FF8C0  00000001 00005340 00000000 00006F58  |....... ......?.|
            +0850 00000001082FF8D0  00000000 25250098 00000000 0000001F  |.......q........|
          Storage around GPR15(4040404040404040)
            -0020 4040404040404020  Inaccessible storage.
            -0010 4040404040404030  Inaccessible storage.
            +0000 4040404040404040  Inaccessible storage.
            +0010 4040404040404050  Inaccessible storage.
            +0020 4040404040404060  Inaccessible storage.
            +0030 4040404040404070  Inaccessible storage.
         main (DSA address 00000001082FF180):
          Saved Registers:
            GPR0..... ****************  GPR1..... ****************  GPR2..... ****************  GPR3..... ****************
            GPR4..... 00000001082FF180  GPR5..... 00000001083710A0  GPR6..... 000000002575B5A0  GPR7..... 0000000025000542
            GPR8..... 00000000250000E4  GPR9..... 0000000025000658  GPR10.... ****************  GPR11.... ****************
            GPR12.... ****************  GPR13.... ****************  GPR14.... ****************  GPR15.... ****************

          Storage around GPR0  is invalid.
          Storage around GPR1  is invalid.
        CELQINIT (DSA address 00000001082FF280):
Figure 6. Example dump using CEE3DMP (AMODE 64) (Part 3 of 9)
           Saved Registers:
            GPR0..... ****************  GPR1..... ****************  GPR2..... ****************  GPR3..... ****************
            GPR4..... 00000001082FF280  GPR5..... 0000000108300070  GPR6..... 00000000250000D8  GPR7..... 000000002500635E
            GPR8..... 0000000000006FF0  GPR9..... 0000000025002E98  GPR10.... ****************  GPR11.... ****************
            GPR12.... ****************  GPR13.... ****************  GPR14.... ****************  GPR15.... ****************
          Storage around GPR0  is invalid.
          Storage around GPR1  is invalid.
[8]   Control Blocks for Active Routines:
        DSA for CEEHDSP: 00000001082FB2C0
          +000000  R4....... 00000001082FD3E0            R5....... 00000000251BABA0            R6....... 00000000251B6060
          +000018  R7....... 000000002504B400            R8....... 00000001089135B0            R9....... 0000000000000005
          +000030  R10...... 00000001082FE3DF            R11...... 00000001082FE0C0            R12...... 00000001089135B0
          +000048  R13...... 00000001082FE680            R14...... 000000002504B300            R15...... 000000002530A300
          +000060  reserved. 0000000000000000            reserved. 0000000000000000            HPTRAN... 0000000000000000
          +000078  reserved. 0000000000000000
        DSA for CEEOSIGJ: 00000001082FDBE0
          +000000  R4....... 00000001082FDDE0            R5....... 000000002504C3EC            R6....... 000000002504AAB0
          +000018  R7....... 00000000251C96D0            R8....... 0000000025754AD8            R9....... 0000000025754BD0
          +000030  R10...... 0000000025754A30            R11...... 0000000000000020            R12...... 0000000100007B18
          +000048  R13...... 00000001082FE680            R14...... 00000000253D6504            R15...... 0000000000000003
          +000060  reserved. 082FE3C400000001            reserved. 082FDDB000000001            HPTRAN... 082FDDF000000001
          +000078  reserved. 082FE13C00000001
        DSA for CELQHROD: 00000001082FE5E0
          +000000  R4....... E3D9C1D5E3D9C1D5            R5....... CCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC            R6....... 00000000251C9480
          +000018  R7....... 0000000000000000            R8....... 0000000000000008            R9....... 000000000119B648
          +000030  R10...... 00000001082FF01F            R11...... 0000000119B00050            R12...... 0000000100007B18
          +000048  R13...... 00000001082FF6E0            R14...... 00000000253D3012            R15...... 00000000007FF050
          +000060  reserved. 0000000100007B18            reserved. 00000001082FF6E0            HPTRAN... 00000001082FE708
          +000078  reserved. 000000000284F9CA
        DSA for CELQHROD: 00000001082FE708
          +000000  EYE...... 64INTRPT  TRTYPE... 00000010  reserved. 40404040  reserved. 4040404040404040
          +000018  reserved. 4040404040404040            reserved. 4040404040404040            reserved. 4040404040404040
          +000030  TRANEP... 00000000251C9480            TR_R0.... 4040404040404040            TR_R1.... 4040404040404040
          +000048  TR_R2.... 4040404040404040            TR_R3.... 4040404040404040            TR_R4.... 00000001082FE020
          +000060  TR_R5.... 4040404040404040            TR_R6.... 4040404040404040            TR_R7.... 0000000000000003
          +000078  TR_R8.... 00000001082FEBD0            TR_R9.... 00000001082FEBD8            TR_R10... 00000001082FECB0
          +000090  TR_R11... 000000007F754910            TR_R12... 00000001082FEBD0            TR_R13... 00000001082FEBD8
          +0000A8  TR_R14... 00000001082FE7D8            TR_R15... 4040404040404040            reserved. 0000000000000000
          +0000C0  ROND_DSA. 00000001082FDDE0            ROND_R13. 00000000257549A0            ROND_R14. 00000000253D6504
        DSA for CEEOSIGG: 00000001082FE820
          +000000  R4....... 00000001082FEE40            R5....... 00000000253D4114            R6....... 00000000253D11F8
          +000018  R7....... 00000000251C96D0            R8....... 0000000025754190            R9....... 0000000025754198
          +000030  R10...... 0000000025754110            R11...... 0000000000000020            R12...... 0000000100007B18
          +000048  R13...... 00000001082FF6E0            R14...... 00000000251CCBF8            R15...... 0000000000000001
          +000060  reserved. 00000001082FEC28            reserved. 00000001082FEAA4            HPTRAN... 00000001082FEB30
          +000078  reserved. 00000001082FEB38
        DSA for CELQHROD: 00000001082FF640
          +000000  R4....... E3D9C1D5E3D9C1D5            R5....... CCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC            R6....... 00000000251C9480
          +000018  R7....... 0000000000000000            R8....... 000000002575B5AC            R9....... 000000002575B638
          +000030  R10...... 00000000250014B0            R11...... 0000000108FC5E70            R12...... 0000000100005340
          +000048  R13...... 0000000000006F58            R14...... 0000000025250098            R15...... 000000000000001F
          +000060  reserved. 00000001082FF080            reserved. 00000000000000C0            HPTRAN... 00000001082FF768
          +000078  reserved. 000000002575B5DE
        DSA for CELQHROD: 00000001082FF768
          +000000  EYE...... 64INTRPT  TRTYPE... 00000010  reserved. 00000000  reserved. 3C10000000000000
          +000018  reserved. 3410000000000000            reserved. 0000008000000000            reserved. 0000000000000048
          +000030  TRANEP... 00000000251C9480            TR_R0.... 00000001082FF180            TR_R1.... 00000000000000C0
          +000048  TR_R2.... 0000000025573FF0            TR_R3.... 000000002500052E            TR_R4.... 00000001082FF080
          +000060  TR_R5.... 0000000025000658            TR_R6.... 00000000250014B0            TR_R7.... 0000000000000001
          +000078  TR_R8.... 0000000100005340            TR_R9.... 0000000000006F58            TR_R10... 0000000025250098
          +000090  TR_R11... 000000000000001F            TR_R12... 000024D000000001            TR_R13... 1990036000000001
          +0000A8  TR_R14... 199013C800000001            TR_R15... 19901F3800000001            reserved. 0000000100009DF0
          +0000C0  ROND_DSA. 00000001082FEE40            ROND_R13. 0000000025754040            ROND_R14. 00000000251CCBF8
        DSA for div_zero: 00000001082FF880
          +000000  R4....... 00000001082FF180            R5....... 00000001083710A0            R6....... 000000002575B5A0
          +000018  R7....... 0000000025000542            R8....... 00000000250000E4            R9....... 0000000025000658
          +000030  R10...... 00000000250014B0            R11...... 0000000108FC5E70            R12...... 0000000100005340
          +000048  R13...... 0000000000006F58            R14...... 0000000025250098            R15...... 000000000000001F
          +000060  reserved. 00000001082FF918            reserved. 000000007F7547D8            HPTRAN... 0000000000000000
          +000078  reserved. 0000000000000000

        CIB for div_zero(00000001082FBE00)
          +0000 00000001082FBE00  C3C9C240 00000000 00000000 00000000  |CIB ............|
          +0010 00000001082FBE10  00000000 00000000 01900004 00000000  |................|
          +0020 00000001082FBE20  00000000 00000000 000300C6 59C3C5C5  |...........F.CEE|
          +0030 00000001082FBE30  00000000 00000000 00000001 082FBF90  |................|
          +0040 00000001082FBE40  00030C89 59C3C5C5 00000000 00000004  |...i.CEE........|
          +0050 00000001082FBE50  00000004 00000000 00000001 082FF180  |..............1.|
Figure 7. Example dump using CEE3DMP (AMODE 64) (Part 4 of 9)
          +0060 00000001082FBE60  00000000 251BB1D0 00000000 00000000  |................|
          +0070 00000001082FBE70  00000001 082FF080 00000000 2575B5F0  |......0........0|
          +0080 00000001082FBE80  00000001 00007000 00000003 00000000  |................|
          +0090 00000001082FBE90  00000001 082FF080 01010000 00000000  |......0.........|
          +00A0 00000001082FBEA0  00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000  |................|
          +00B0 00000001082FBEB0 - +0000FF 00000001082FBEFF             same as above
          +0100 00000001082FBF00  48220400 00000000 940C9000 00000009  |........m.......|
          +0110 00000001082FBF10  00000000 00000000 00000000 250008C0  |................|
          +0120 00000001082FBF20  00000001 082FF080 00000001 082FF080  |......0.......0.|
          +0130 00000001082FBF30  00000000 2575B5EE 00000000 00000000  |................|
          +0140 00000001082FBF40  00000000 00000000 00000067 00000000  |................|
          +0150 00000001082FBF50  00000001 082FF180 00000003 00000008  |......1.........|
          +0160 00000001082FBF60  00000014 00000004 00000000 00000000  |................|
          +0170 00000001082FBF70  00000000 00000000 00000008 00000000  |................|
          +0180 00000001082FBF80  00000001 00007220 00000000 00000000  |................|
        DSA for main: 00000001082FF980
          +000000  R4....... 00000001082FF280            R5....... 0000000108300070            R6....... 00000000250000D8
          +000018  R7....... 000000002500635E            R8....... 0000000000006FF0            R9....... 0000000025002E98
          +000030  R10...... 00000000250014B0            R11...... 0000000108FC5E70            R12...... 0000000100005340
          +000048  R13...... 0000000000006F58            R14...... 0000000025250098            R15...... 000000000000001F
          +000060  reserved. 0000000000000000            reserved. 0000000000000000            HPTRAN... 0000000000000000
          +000078  reserved. 0000000000000000
        DSA for CELQINIT: 00000001082FFA80
          +000000  R4....... 00000001082FF760            R5....... 0000000000000000            R6....... 0000000025005010
          +000018  R7....... 00000000250064F8            R8....... 0000000000000000            R9....... 0000000000000000
          +000030  R10...... 0000000000000000            R11...... 0000000000000000            R12...... 0000000000000000
          +000048  R13...... 0000000000000000            R14...... 0000000000000000            R15...... 0000000000000000
          +000060  reserved. 0000000000000000            reserved. 0000000000000000            HPTRAN... 0000000000000000
          +000078  reserved. 0000000000000000
[9]   Storage for Active Routines:
         DSA frame(00000001082FAAC0)
          +0800 00000001082FB2C0  00000001 082FD3E0 00000000 251BABA0  |......L.........|
          +0810 00000001082FB2D0  00000000 251B6060 00000000 2504B400  |......--........|
          +0820 00000001082FB2E0  00000001 089135B0 00000000 00000005  |.....j..........|
          +0830 00000001082FB2F0  00000001 082FE3DF 00000001 082FE0C0  |......T.........|
          +0840 00000001082FB300  00000001 089135B0 00000001 082FE680  |.....j........W.|
          +0850 00000001082FB310  00000000 2504B300 00000000 2530A300  |..............t.|
          +0860 00000001082FB320  00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000  |................|
          +0870 00000001082FB330 - +00087F 00000001082FB33F             same as above
          +2540 00000001082FD000  00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000  |................|
          +2550 00000001082FD010 - +00311F 00000001082FDBDF             same as above
        DSA frame(00000001082FD3E0)
          +0800 00000001082FDBE0  00000001 082FDDE0 00000000 2504C3EC  |..............C.|
          +0810 00000001082FDBF0  00000000 2504AAB0 00000000 251C96D0  |..............o.|
          +0820 00000001082FDC00  00000000 25754AD8 00000000 25754BD0  |.......Q........|
          +0830 00000001082FDC10  00000000 25754A30 00000000 00000020  |................|
          +1180 00000001082FE560 - +0011EF 00000001082FE5CF             same as above
          +11F0 00000001082FE5D0  00000000 00000000 00000001 082FEBD8  |...............Q|
        DSA frame(00000001082FDDE0)
          +0800 00000001082FE5E0  E3D9C1D5 E3D9C1D5 CCCCCCCC CCCCCCCC  |TRANTRAN........|
        DSA frame(00000001082FE020)
          +0800 00000001082FE820  00000001 082FEE40 00000000 253D4114  |....... ........|
          +0810 00000001082FE830  00000000 253D11F8 00000000 251C96D0  |.......8......o.|
          +0820 00000001082FE840  00000000 25754190 00000000 25754198  |...............q|
          +1600 00000001082FF620  00000000 00000000 00000000 00000013  |................|
          +1610 00000001082FF630  00000000 252B27D0 00000000 252B2810  |................|
        DSA frame(00000001082FEE40)
          +0800 00000001082FF640  E3D9C1D5 E3D9C1D5 CCCCCCCC CCCCCCCC  |TRANTRAN........|

        DSA frame(00000001082FF080)
          +0800 00000001082FF880  00000001 082FF180 00000001 083710A0  |......1.........|
          +0810 00000001082FF890  00000000 2575B5A0 00000000 25000542  |................|
          +0820 00000001082FF8A0  00000000 250000E4 00000000 25000658  |.......U........|
          +0830 00000001082FF8B0  00000000 250014B0 00000001 08FC5E70  |..............;.|
          +0840 00000001082FF8C0  00000001 00005340 00000000 00006F58  |....... ......?.|
          +0850 00000001082FF8D0  00000000 25250098 00000000 0000001F  |.......q........|
          +08E0 00000001082FF960  34100000 00000000 00000080 00000000  |................|
          +08F0 00000001082FF970  00000000 00000048 00000000 00000000  |................|
Figure 8. Example dump using CEE3DMP (AMODE 64) (Part 5 of 9)
        DSA frame(00000001082FF180)
          +0800 00000001082FF980  00000001 082FF280 00000001 08300070  |......2.........|
          +0810 00000001082FF990  00000000 250000D8 00000000 2500635E  |.......Q.......;|
          +0820 00000001082FF9A0  00000000 00006FF0 00000000 25002E98  |......?0.......q|
          +0830 00000001082FF9B0  00000000 250014B0 00000001 08FC5E70  |..............;.|
          +08E0 00000001082FFA60  00000001 08300070 00000000 00000000  |................|
          +08F0 00000001082FFA70  00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000  |................|
        DSA frame(00000001082FF280)
          +0800 00000001082FFA80  00000001 082FF760 00000000 00000000  |......7-........|
          +0810 00000001082FFA90  00000000 25005010 00000000 250064F8  |......&........8|
          +0820 00000001082FFAA0  00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000  |................|
          +0830 00000001082FFAB0 - +00087F 00000001082FFAFF             same as above
          +0C00 00000001082FFE80  00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000  |................|
          +0C10 00000001082FFE90 - +000CDF 00000001082FFF5F             same as above

[4]   Information for thread 253E10A000000001

[5]   Traceback:
        DSA   Entry       E  Offset  Statement   Load Mod             Program Unit                   Service  Status
        1     CEEOPML2    +00000000              CELQLIB              CEEOPML2                       D1908    Call
        2     thread_func +0000005A  24          CELQSAMP             CELQSAMP                       1.2.d    Call
        3     CELQPCMM    +00000DEA              CELQLIB              CELQPCMM                       D1908    Call
        DSA  DSA Addr          E  Addr           PU Addr           PU Offset  Comp Date Compile Attributes
        1    00000001111FEF60  0000000025290D80  0000000025290D80  00000000   20061215  CEL     POSIX  XPLINK  EBCDIC  HFP
        2    00000001111FF2C0  00000000250005A8  0000000000000000  ********   20070117  C/C++   POSIX  XPLINK  EBCDIC  IEEE
        3    00000001111FF3C0  000000002526E6D0  000000002526E6D0  00000DEA   20061214  CEL     POSIX  XPLINK  EBCDIC  HFP
        Fully Qualified Names
        DSA   Entry       Program Unit                                        Load Module
        2     thread_func PLPSC://'POSIX.CRTL.C(CELQSAMP)'                    CELQSAMP
      GPR0..... 0000000000000001  GPR1..... 00000000257669A0  GPR2..... 0000000108910290  GPR3..... 00000000257669A0
      GPR4..... 00000001111FEF60  GPR5..... 0000000025292620  GPR6..... 0000000000000000  GPR7..... 0000000025292004
      GPR8..... 00000000DA899660  GPR9..... 00000001114013C8  GPR10.... 0000000100003CA0  GPR11.... 0000000108358750
      GPR12.... 00000001114013C8  GPR13.... 000000002576F000  GPR14.... 00000001114013C8  GPR15.... 00000001807D17D8
          Storage around GPR0 (0000000000000001)
            -0001 0000000000000000  Inaccessible storage.
            +000F 0000000000000010  Inaccessible storage.
[8]   Control Blocks for Active Routines:
        DSA for CEEOPML2: 00000001111FF760
          +000000  R4....... 00000001111FFB60            R5....... 000000002576F000            R6....... 0000000025290D80
          +000018  R7....... 0000000025000604            R8....... 00000000250005B4            R9....... 0000000025000658
          +000030  R10...... 00000001083001B8            R11...... 00000001111FFEE8            R12...... 000000007F64A75C
          +000048  R13...... 000000002576F000            R14...... 0000000111401F38            R15...... 0000000120000000
          +000060  reserved. 0000000000000000            reserved. 0000000000000000            HPTRAN... 0000000000000000
          +000078  reserved. 0000000000000000
        DSA for thread_func: 00000001111FFAC0
          +000000  R4....... 00000001111FF3C0            R5....... 0000000108300070            R6....... 00000000250005A8
          +000018  R7....... 000000002526F4BC            R8....... 0000000111401FA0            R9....... 000000002576F0D0
          +000030  R10...... 0000000000000080            R11...... 0000000000000000            R12...... 0000000000000000
          +000048  R13...... 0001004000000001            R14...... 00000000251D9FD4            R15...... 000000002505CF48
          +000060  reserved. 0000000108FE8C30            reserved. 0000000000000000            HPTRAN... 000000007F6C58C8
          +000078  reserved. 0000000000000000
        DSA for CELQPCMM: 00000001111FFBC0
          +000000  R4....... 00000001111FF760            R5....... 0000000000000000            R6....... 000000002526E6D0
          +000018  R7....... 000000002526FC8C            R8....... 0000000111401FA0            R9....... 000000002576F0D0
          +000030  R10...... 0000000000000080            R11...... 00000001111FFEE8            R12...... 000000007F64A75C
          +000048  R13...... 000000002576F000            R14...... 0000000111401F38            R15...... 0000000120000000
          +000060  reserved. 0000000000000000            reserved. 0000000000000000            HPTRAN... 0000000000000000
          +000078  reserved. 0000000000000000

  [9]   Storage for Active Routines:
         DSA frame(00000001111FEF60)
          +0800 00000001111FF760  00000001 111FFB60 00000000 2576F000  |.......-......0.|
          +0810 00000001111FF770  00000000 25290D80 00000000 25000604  |................|
          +0820 00000001111FF780  00000000 250005B4 00000000 25000658  |................|
          +0830 00000001111FF790  00000001 083001B8 00000001 111FFEE8  |...............Y|
Figure 9. Example dump using CEE3DMP (AMODE 64) (Part 6 of 9)
[10]  Control Blocks Associated with the Thread:
          +0000 00000001114013C8  00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000  |................|
          +0010 00000001114013D8 - +0002AF 0000000111401677             same as above
          +02B0 0000000111401678  00008000 00000000 00000000 00000000  |................|
 [11]  Enclave Control Blocks:
          +0000 0000000100005340  C3C5C5C5 C4C24040 00000000 00000000  |CEEEDB  ........|
          +0010 0000000100005350  00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000  |................|
          +0020 0000000100005360 - +0000FF 000000010000543F             same as above
          +0100 0000000100005440  97000100 00000000 00000001 000068F8  |p..............8|
          +01A0 00000001000054E0  00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000  |................|
          +01B0 00000001000054F0 - +0001FF 000000010000553F             same as above
          +0000 00000001000068F8  00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000  |................|
          +0010 0000000100006908  FFFFFFFF FFFFFFFF 00000000 00000000  |................|
          +0020 0000000100006918  00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000  |................|
          +0030 0000000100006928  FFFFFFFF FFFFFFFF 00000000 00000000  |................|
          +0040 0000000100006938  00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000  |................|
          +0190 0000000100006A88  FFFFFFFF FFFFFFFF 00000000 00000000  |................|
          +01A0 0000000100006A98  00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000  |................|
        Mutex and Condition Variable Blocks (MCVB+MHT+CHT)(00000001089100B8)
          +0000 00000001089100B8  00000000 00011E78 00000001 08910100  |.............j..|
          +0010 00000001089100C8  000007F0 00007F00 00000000 00000000  |...0..".........|
          +0020 00000001089100D8  00000001 08FC7470 00000001 08910900  |.............j..|
          +0030 00000001089100E8  000001F0 00001F00 00000000 00000000  |...0............|
          +0040 00000001089100F8  00000001 08FC74B0 00000000 00000000  |................|
          +0050 0000000108910108  00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000  |................|
          +0060 0000000108910118 - +00014F 0000000108910207             same as above
          +04B0 0000000108910568 - +00097F 0000000108910A37             same as above
          +0980 0000000108910A38  00000001 08FC74F0 00000000 00000000  |.......0........|
          +0990 0000000108910A48  00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000  |................|
          +09A0 0000000108910A58 - +000A2F 0000000108910AE7             same as above
          +0A30 0000000108910AE8  00000001 08FC73F0 00000000 00000000  |.......0........|
          +0A40 0000000108910AF8  00000001 08FC7430 00000000 00000000  |................|
        Thread Synchronization Enclave Latch Table (EPALT)(0000000108910B00)
          +0000 0000000108910B00  00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000  |................|
          +0010 0000000108910B10 - +00015F 0000000108910C5F             same as above
          +0160 0000000108910C60  00000000 00000000 DA8ADF60 00000000  |...........-....|
          +0170 0000000108910C70  00000000 257520A0 00000001 08911118  |.............j..|
          +0180 0000000108910C80  00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000  |................|
          +0190 0000000108910C90 - +00022F 0000000108910D2F             same as above
          +0B00 0000000108911600 - +000C6F 000000010891176F             same as above
          +0C70 0000000108911770  00000000 2538B4E0 00000000 00000000  |................|
          +0C80 0000000108911780  00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000  |................|
          +0C90 0000000108911790 - +0013FF 0000000108911EFF             same as above
        DLL Information:
        WSA Addr          Module Addr          Thread ID         Use Count  Name
        0000000108300050                                         00000001   main
        0000000108371090  000000002575B000     253E019000000000  00000001   CELQDLL
        0000000108390510  0000000025777000     253E019000000000  00000002   CDAEQED
        0000000108396110  00000000257F5000     253E019000000000  00000001   CDAEQDPI
        00000001083A0430  00000000258C4000     253E019000000000  00000001   CELQDSNF
        HEAPCHK Option Control Block (HCOP)(00000001089234D0)
          +0000 00000001089234D0  C8C3D6D7 00000048 00000001 00000000  |HCOP............|
          +0010 00000001089234E0  00000000 0000000A 0000000A 00000000  |................|
          +0020 00000001089234F0  00000001 08FC0090 00000001 08923518  |.............k..|
          +0030 0000000108923500  00000001 08A00050 00000000 00000000  |.......&........|
          +0040 0000000108923510  00000000 00000000 C8C3C6E3 00004000  |........HCFT.. .|

              HEAPCHK Element Table (HCEL) for Heapid 0000000100100138 :
          +0000 0000000108FC0090  C8C3C5D3 00000000 00000000 00000000  |HCEL............|
          +0010 0000000108FC00A0  00000000 00000000 00000001 00100138  |................|
          +0020 0000000108FC00B0  000001F4 0000000F 00000010 00000000  |...4............|
                                  Address           Seg Address        Length
Figure 10. Example dump using CEE3DMP (AMODE 64) (Part 7 of 9)
          +0000 0000000108FC00C0  00000001 08300040 00000001 08300000  00000000 00000180 00000001 08FC3F50
          +0020 0000000108FC00E0  00000001 083001C0 00000001 08300000  00000000 00019660 00000001 08FC5B30
          +0040 0000000108FC0100  00000001 08319820 00000001 08300000  00000000 00025B40 00000001 08FC5C90
          +0060 0000000108FC0120  00000001 0833F360 00000001 08300000  00000000 00019340 00000001 08FC5EB0
          +0080 0000000108FC0140  00000001 083586A0 00000001 08300000  00000000 000189E0 00000001 08FC6010
          +00A0 0000000108FC0160  00000001 08371080 00000001 08300000  00000000 00000060 00000001 08FC7050
          +00C0 0000000108FC0180  00000001 083710E0 00000001 08300000  00000000 0001F420 00000001 08FC7530
          +00E0 0000000108FC01A0  00000001 08390500 00000001 08300000  00000000 00005C00 00000001 08FEC4F0
          +0100 0000000108FC01C0  00000001 08396100 00000001 08300000  00000000 0000A320 00000001 08FEE1D0
          +0120 0000000108FC01E0  00000001 083A0420 00000001 08300000  00000000 00000180 00000001 08FEE4F0
          +0140 0000000108FC0200  00000001 083A05A0 00000001 08300000  00000000 00017400 00000001 08FEE6F0
          +0160 0000000108FC0220  00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000  00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
          +0180 0000000108FC0240  00000001 083B79A0 00000001 08300000  00000000 00017720 00000001 08FEEA50
          +01A0 0000000108FC0260  00000001 19D00040 00000001 19D00000  00000000 00032360 00000001 08FEEC10
          +01C0 0000000108FC0280  00000001 19D323A0 00000001 19D00000  00000000 000280C0 00000001 08FEEDB0
          +01E0 0000000108FC02A0  00000001 19D5A460 00000001 19D00000  00000000 000321A0 00000001 08FEEF70

  Language Environment Trace Table:
        Most recent trace entry is at displacement: 000680
            Displacement                        Trace Entry in Hexadecimal                                Trace Entry in EBCDIC
            ------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------   --------------------------------
              +000000    Time    Date 2007.01.17    Thread ID... 253E019000000000
              +000010    Member ID.... 01    Flags..... 000000    Entry Type..... 00001000
              +000018    40404040 40404040 40404040 40404040  40404040 40404040 40404040 40404040  |                                |
              +000038    40404040 40404040 40404040 40404040  40404040 40404040 40404040 40404040  |                                |
              +000058    40404040 40404040 40404040 40404040  40404040 40404040 40404040 40404040  |                                |
              +000078    40404040 40404040                                                         |                                |
              +000080    Time    Date 2007.01.17    Thread ID... 253E019000000000
              +000090    Member ID.... 01    Flags..... 000000    Entry Type..... 00001010
              +000098    C3C5C5D7 C2D24040 00000070 00000000  00000000 257669A0 00001660 00000000  |CEEPBK  ...................-....|
              +0000B8    00000001 11400000 00000000 000024D0  00000001 11400360 00000001 114013C8  |..... ............... .-..... .H|
              +0000D8    00000001 11401F38 00000001 11402010  00000001 08300060 00000000 25000658  |..... ....... .........-........|
              +0000F8    24000000 00000000                                                         |........                        |
              +000100    Time    Date 2007.01.17    Thread ID... 253E019000000000
              +000110    Member ID.... 01    Flags..... 000000    Entry Type..... 00001011
              +000118    253E10A0 00000001 00000000 7F7547D8  00000000 257669A0 00001660 00000000  |............"..Q...........-....|
              +000138    00000001 11400000 00000000 000024D0  00000001 11400360 00000001 114013C8  |..... ............... .-..... .H|
              +000158    00000001 11401F38 00000001 11402010  00000001 08300060 00000000 25000658  |..... ....... .........-........|
              +000178    24000000 00000000                                                         |........                        |
              +000180    Time    Date 2007.01.17    Thread ID... 253E019000000000
              +000190    Member ID.... 01    Flags..... 000000    Entry Type..... 000010F0
              +000198    00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000  00000000 257669A0 00001660 00000000  |...........................-....|
              +0001B8    00000001 11400000 00000000 000024D0  00000001 11400360 00000001 114013C8  |..... ............... .-..... .H|
              +0001D8    00000001 11401F38 00000001 11402010  00000001 08300060 00000000 25000658  |..... ....... .........-........|
              +0001F8    24000000 00000000                                                         |........                        |
              +000200    Time    Date 2007.01.17    Thread ID... 253E019000000000
              +000210    Member ID.... 01    Flags..... 000000    Entry Type..... 00001000
              +000218    40404040 40404040 40404040 40404040  40404040 40404040 40404040 40404040  |                                |
              +000238    40404040 40404040 40404040 40404040  40404040 40404040 40404040 40404040  |                                |
              +000258    40404040 40404040 40404040 40404040  40404040 40404040 40404040 40404040  |                                |
              +000278    40404040 40404040                                                         |                                |

              +000280    Time    Date 2007.01.17    Thread ID... 253E019000000000
              +000290    Member ID.... 01    Flags..... 000000    Entry Type..... 00001010
              +000298    C3C5C5D7 C2D24040 00000070 00000000  00000000 257689A0 00001660 00000000  |CEEPBK  ..............i....-....|
              +0002B8    00000001 19900000 00000000 000024D0  00000001 19900360 00000001 199013C8  |.......................-.......H|
              +0002D8    00000001 19901F38 00000001 19902010  00000001 08300060 00000000 25000664  |.......................-........|
              +0002F8    24000000 00000000                                                         |........                        |
              +000300    Time    Date 2007.01.17    Thread ID... 253E019000000000
              +000310    Member ID.... 01    Flags..... 000000    Entry Type..... 00001011
              +000318    253E1FB0 00000002 00000000 7F7547D8  00000000 257689A0 00001660 00000000  |............"..Q......i....-....|
              +000338    00000001 19900000 00000000 000024D0  00000001 19900360 00000001 199013C8  |.......................-.......H|
              +000358    00000001 19901F38 00000001 19902010  00000001 08300060 00000000 25000664  |.......................-........|
              +000378    24000000 00000000                                                         |........                        |
Figure 11. Example dump using CEE3DMP (AMODE 64) (Part 8 of 9)
              +000380    Time    Date 2007.01.17    Thread ID... 253E019000000000
              +000390    Member ID.... 01    Flags..... 000000    Entry Type..... 000010F0
              +000398    00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000  00000000 257689A0 00001660 00000000  |......................i....-....|
              +0003B8    00000001 19900000 00000000 000024D0  00000001 19900360 00000001 199013C8  |.......................-.......H|
              +0003D8    00000001 19901F38 00000001 19902010  00000001 08300060 00000000 25000664  |.......................-........|
              +0003F8    24000000 00000000                                                         |........                        |
              +000400    Time    Date 2007.01.17    Thread ID... 253E1FB000000002
              +000410    Member ID.... 01    Flags..... 000000    Entry Type..... 00001910
              +000418    253E1FB0 00000002 00000001 19901FA0  00000001 19901F38 80000000 00000000  |................................|
              +000438    00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000  00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000  |................................|
              +000458    00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000  00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000  |................................|
              +000478    00000000 00000000                                                         |........                        |
              +000480    Time    Date 2007.01.17    Thread ID... 253E1FB000000002
              +000490    Member ID.... 01    Flags..... 000000    Entry Type..... 00001930
              +000498    253E1FB0 00000002 00000001 19901FA0  00000001 19901F38 80000000 00000000  |................................|
              +0004B8    00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000  00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000  |................................|
              +0004D8    00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000  00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000  |................................|
              +0004F8    00000000 00000000                                                         |........                        |
              +000500    Time    Date 2007.01.17    Thread ID... 253E10A000000001
              +000510    Member ID.... 01    Flags..... 000000    Entry Type..... 00001910
              +000518    253E10A0 00000001 00000001 11401FA0  00000001 11401F38 80000000 00000000  |............. ....... ..........|
              +000538    00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000  00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000  |................................|
              +000558    00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000  00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000  |................................|
              +000578    00000000 00000000                                                         |........                        |
              +000580    Time    Date 2007.01.17    Thread ID... 253E10A000000001
              +000590    Member ID.... 01    Flags..... 000000    Entry Type..... 00001930
              +000598    253E10A0 00000001 00000001 11401FA0  00000001 11401F38 80000000 00000000  |............. ....... ..........|
              +0005B8    00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000  00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000  |................................|
              +0005D8    00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000  00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000  |................................|
              +0005F8    00000000 00000000                                                         |........                        |
              +000600    Time    Date 2007.01.17    Thread ID... 253E019000000000
              +000610    Member ID.... 01    Flags..... 000000    Entry Type..... 00000700
              +000618    00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000  00000000 00000000 00000001 00005340  |............................... |
              +000638    00000008 00400579 00000000 00000001  00000001 082FE020 00000000 253D3012  |..... ..........................|
              +000658    001F2000 00000000 00000000 00000000  00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000  |................................|
              +000678    00000000 00000000                                                         |........                        |

              +000680    Time    Date 2007.01.17    Thread ID... 253E019000000000
              +000690    Member ID.... 01    Flags..... 000000    Entry Type..... 00000701
              +000698    00000001 80000000 00000000 00000000  00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000  |................................|
              +0006B8    00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000  00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000  |................................|
              +0006D8    00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000  00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000  |................................|
              +0006F8    00000000 00000000                                                         |........                        |
      Heap Storage Diagnostics
        All storage has been freed.

[12]  Runtime Options Report:
       LAST WHERE SET                 OPTION
       DD:CEEOPTS                       CEEDUMP(0,SYSOUT=*,FREE=END,SPIN=UNALLOC)
       Start of changeIBM-supplied default             DYNDUMP(*USERID,NODYNAMIC,TDUMP)End of change
       Start of changeIBM-supplied default             ENVAR("")
       IBM-supplied default             FILETAG(NOAUTOCVT,NOAUTOTAG)End of change
       DD:CEEOPTS                       HEAPCHK(ON,1,0,10,10) 
       DD:CEEOPTS                       HEAPPOOLS(ON,8,10,32,10,128,10,256,10,1024,10,2048,10,0,10,0,10,0,10,0,10,0,10,0,10)
       DD:CEEOPTS                       HEAPPOOLS64(ON,8,4000,32,2000,128,700,256,350,1024,100,2048,50,3072,50,4096,50,8192,25,
       Start of changeIBM-supplied default             HEAPZONES(0,ABEND,0,ABEND)End of change
Figure 12. Example dump using CEE3DMP (AMODE 64) (Part 9 of 9)
       Start of changeIBM-supplied default             HEAP64(1M,1M,KEEP,32768,32768,KEEP,4096,4096,FREE)
       IBM-supplied default             INFOMSGFILTER(OFF,,,,)
       IBM-supplied default             IOHEAP64(1M,1M,FREE,12288,8192,FREE,4096,4096,FREE)
       IBM-supplied default             LIBHEAP64(1M,1M,FREE,16384,8192,FREE,8192,4096,FREE)
       IBM-supplied default             NATLANG(ENU)End of change
       Start of changeIBM-supplied default             PAGEFRAMESIZE64(4K,4K,4K,4K,4K,4K,4K)End of change
       Programmer default               POSIX(ON)
       Start of changeIBM-supplied default             PROFILE(OFF,"")End of change
       DD:CEEOPTS                       RPTOPTS(ON)
       DD:CEEOPTS                       RPTSTG(ON)
       Start of changeIBM-supplied default             STACK64(1M,1M,128M)
       IBM-supplied default             STORAGE(NONE,NONE,NONE,)End of change
       Programmer default               TERMTHDACT(UADUMP,,96)
       Start of changeIBM-supplied default           NOTEST(ALL,"*","PROMPT","INSPPREF")
       IBM-supplied default             THREADSTACK64(OFF,1M,1M,128M)End of change
       DD:CEEOPTS                       TRACE(ON,1048576,NODUMP,LE=8)
       Start of changeIBM-supplied default             TRAP(ON,SPIE)End of change
 [13]  Process Control Blocks:
          +0000 0000000100003CA0  C3C5C5D7 C3C24040 00000000 00000000  |CEEPCB  ........|
          +0010 0000000100003CB0  00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000  |................|
          +0020 0000000100003CC0 - +0000FF 0000000100003D9F             same as above
          +0100 0000000100003DA0  03030208 00000000 00000000 00000000  |................|
          +0110 0000000100003DB0  00000001 00004048 00000000 00000000  |...... .........|
          +0120 0000000100003DC0  00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000  |................|
          +0130 0000000100003DD0  00000000 00000000 00000001 00003A10  |................|
          +0140 0000000100003DE0  7FC00000 00000000 00000000 00000000  |"...............|
          +0150 0000000100003DF0  00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000  |................|
          +0160 0000000100003E00  00000000 252A3F48 00000000 00000000  |................|
          +0170 0000000100003E10  00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000  |................|
          +0180 0000000100003E20 - +0001BF 0000000100003E5F             same as above
          +0000 0000000100004048  00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000  |................|
          +0010 0000000100004058 - +00005F 00000001000040A7             same as above
          +0060 00000001000040A8  00000001 00008688 00000000 00000000  |......fh........|
          +0070 00000001000040B8  00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000  |................|
          +0080 00000001000040C8 - +0001AF 00000001000041F7             same as above
        Thread Synchronization Process Latch Table (PPALT)(0000000108911F00)
          +0000 0000000108911F00  DA8ADF60 00000000 00000000 257520A0  |...-............|
          +0010 0000000108911F10  00000001 08911050 00000000 00000000  |.....j.&........|
          +0020 0000000108911F20  00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000  |................|
          +0030 0000000108911F30 - +00009F 0000000108911F9F             same as above
          +00A0 0000000108911FA0  DA8ADF60 00000000 00000000 257520A0  |...-............|
          +00B0 0000000108911FB0  00000001 08911500 00000000 00000000  |.....j..........|
          +00C0 0000000108911FC0  00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000  |................|
          +00D0 0000000108911FD0 - +0013FF 00000001089132FF             same as above
[14]CEE3846I CEEDUMP Processing completed.