HEAPPOOLS64 summary

The HEAPPOOLS64 summary displays a report of the HEAPPOOLS64 statistics and provides suggested cell sizes.

Specified Cell Size
the size of the cell specified in the HEAPPOOLS64 runtime option
Element Size
the size of the cell plus any additional storage needed for control information or to maintain alignment
Cells Per Extent
the cell pool count specified by the HEAPPOOLS64 runtime option. When there is more than one pool for a cell size, the count is divided by the number of pools.
Extents Allocated
the number of times that each pool allocated an extent in order to optimize storage usage. The extents allocated needs to be either one or two. If the number of extents allocated is too high, increase the cell count for the pool.
Maximum Cells Used
the maximum number of cells used for each pool.
Cells In Use
the number of cells that were never freed. A large number in this field could indicate a storage leak.
Suggested Cell Sizes
sizes that are calculated to optimally use storage (assuming that the application will __malloc/__free with the same frequency). The suggested cell sizes are given with no cell counts because the usage of each new cell pool size is not known. If there are less than 12 cell sizes calculated, then the last pool size is set at 65536.

For more information about stack and heap storage for AMODE64 applications, see z/OS Language Environment Programming Guide for 64-bit Virtual Addressing Mode.