CDAHLASM — Use the HLASM assembler to create DWARF debug information (C only)


The CDAHLASM utility is the MVS™ batch equivalent of the as utility. This utility is shipped as part of the Run-Time Library Extensions and is installed in CEE.SCEERUN2.

When the METAL compiler option is specified, the compiler generates output in the form of assembler source. The XL C compiler cannot generate DWARF information directly because it cannot create symbolic debugging information. The symbolic debugging information can be obtained only during object code generation, in this case, during the assembly stage.

Debuggers can use the DWARF-formatted output from the CDAHLASM utility to debug Metal C applications. To enable the generation of complete DWARF information, the compiler embeds the type information, created during the compilation stage, into the generated assembler source output. The assembly stage takes the embedded information, and combines it with the symbolic debugging information obtained during assembling, and produces the final DWARF information side file.

The CDAHLASM utility also produces debug information in ADATA format, which is required for the generation of DWARF information. The ADATA assembler option will be passed to the assembler unless the NODEBUG option is passed to CDAHLASM. For further information on the NODEBUG option, see the CDAHLASM "Options" topic.

For information on the CDAASMC cataloged procedure, which executes the CDAHLASM utility, see Cataloged procedures and REXX EXECs.

Options directed to the CDAHLASM utility can be specified only through the DD:CDAHOPT.


Displays the version of CDAHLASM as well as the Common Debug Architecture runtime phaseid information.
Suppresses the generation of DWARF debug information.
Specifies verbose mode, which writes additional informational messages to DD:SYSOUT.