z/OS batch example

Figure 1 shows the example source files USERID.PLAN9.C(UNIT0), USERID.PLAN9.C(UNIT1), and USERID.PLAN9.C(UNIT2), which are used to illustrate all of the z/OS® batch examples that follow.

Figure 1. Example source files
/* file: USERID.PLAN9.C(UNIT0) */
#include <stdio.h>
extern int f1(void);
extern int f4(void);
int main(void) {
int rc1;
int rc4;
rc1 = f1();
rc4 = f4();
if (rc1 != 1) printf("fail rc1 is %d\n",rc1);
if (rc4 != 40) printf("fail rc4 is %d\n",rc4);
return 0;

/* file: USERID.PLAN9.C(UNIT1) */
int f1(void) { return 1; }

/* file: USERID.PLAN9.C(UNIT2) */
int f2(void) { return 20;}
int f3(void) { return 30;}
int f4(void) { return f2()*2; /* 40 */ }