GFUZRDWR: Internal Media Manager Read/Write

The component identifier is RSN_RDWR. The module ID halfword is X'5BC2'.

The global reason codes: None

The local reason codes:

Value Description
RSN_RDWR+X'101' RSN_RDWR_Add_Recvry_Failed

Stacking a local recovery environment to the SSF Recovery stack was unsuccessful.

Probable cause: Possible programming error.

Action: Contact IBM® Support.

RSN_RDWR+X'102' RSN_RDWR_Caller_Not_In_Task_Mode

This module was entered in SRB mode but it only supports callers in task (TCB) mode.

Probable cause: The issuer of GFUZWRIT or GFUZREAD is not in the correct mode when invoking the GFUZWRIT or GFUZREAD function.

Action: Contact IBM Support.

RSN_RDWR+X'103' RSN_RDWR_Invalid_XM_Req

The caller's ASID is different than the ASID which issued the MOUNT.

Probable cause: HFS request issued under wrong ASID.

Action: Contact IBM Support.


Attempt to get a block from a cell pool via IGWFVSTR failed.

Probable cause: Possible programming error.

Action: Contact IBM Support.

RSN_RDWR+X'105' RSN_RDWR_TCBtoken_Failed

Attempt to obtain the TCB token via TCBTOKNP failed.

Probable cause: Possible programming error.

Action: Contact IBM Support.


Attempt to get a block from a cell pool via IGWFVSTR failed.

Probable cause: Possible programming error.

Action: Contact IBM Support.


Attempt to get a block from a cell pool via IGWFVSTR failed.

Probable cause: Possible programming error.

Action: Contact IBM Support.


An MMCALL was issued to read or write pages but it returned with an error return code.

Probable cause: Possible programming error.

Action: Contact IBM Support.


Attempt to pagefix a data space buffer via XP_PINBFR failed.

Probable cause: Possible programming error.

Action: Contact IBM Support.


The LRA instruction was issued to obtain the real address of a page from a data space buffer. However, the instruction failed.

Probable cause: The data space page might not have been pagefixed successfully, or the virtual address may be invalid.

Action: Contact IBM Support.


A write request was sent to GFUZWRIT. However, an attempt to convert the RPN of a page into the VPTVFN within the HFS resulted in an invalid zero value.

Probable cause: The page had not been previously allocated.

Action: Contact IBM Support.

RSN_RDWR+X'112' RSN_RDWR_Get_HFRFN_Latch_Failed

Attempt to obtain the DMIB_HFRFN_LATCH (required before writing beyond the current high formatted RFN in the HFS) via IGWLSOXL failed.

Probable cause: Possible programming error.

Action: Contact IBM Support.


A BDE was encountered with a zero VPTVFN but the RNODE was not specified. The RNODE is required in this case.

Probable cause: The owner of the BDE did not properly construct it.

Action: Contact IBM Support.


On a read request, an invalid attempt is made to read a page which is beyond the high formatted RFN of the HFS.

Probable cause: The issuer of GFUZREAD is attempting to read an invalid page.

Action: Contact IBM Support.

RSN_RDWR+X'115' RSN_RDWR_Internal_Error

Error processing was entered due to an unexpected error.

Probable cause: Possible program check within module.

Action: Contact IBM Support.


No BDEs were passed on call to GFUZWRIT or GFUZREAD.

Probable cause: Possible programming error.

Action: Contact IBM Support.

RSN_RDWR+X'117' RSN_RDWR_Invalid_Write_BDE

During write processing, a BDE was encountered with an invalid write_map of zeros.

Probable cause: Possible programming error.

Action: Contact IBM Support.

RSN_RDWR+X'118' RSN_RDWR_MMRE_Free_Failure

Attempt to return a block back to a cell pool via IGWFVSTR failed.

Probable cause: Possible programming error.

Action: Contact IBM Support.


Attempt to return a block back to a cell pool via IGWFVSTR failed.

Probable cause: Possible programming error.

Action: Contact IBM Support.


Attempt to write was issued against a read-only HFS.

Probable cause: Possible programming error.

Action: Contact IBM Support.

RSN_RDWR+X'121' RSN_RDWR_Page_Free_Failure

During error processing, an explicit attempt to pagefree a data space buffer via DSPSERVE DEFINE IOOFF failed.

Probable cause: Possible programming error.

Action: Contact IBM Support.


Prior to passing a chain of MMREs to Media Manager, it is determined that none of the MMREs in the chain contain a reference to a BDE. This is invalid since I/O completion routine, GFUZIOTE, requires a BDE.

Probable cause: Module internal logic error.

Action: Contact IBM Support.


Prior to passing a chain of MMREs to Media Manager, it is determined that none of the MMREs in the chain contain a reference to a BDE. This is invalid since I/O completion routine, GFUZIOTE, requires a BDE.

Probable cause: Module internal logic error.

Action: Contact IBM Support.

RSN_RDWR+X'124' RSN_RDWR_Req_Not_Completed1

After all calls to Media Manager have been completed, it was determined that the remainder of the MMRE chain was never passed.

Probable cause: Module internal logic error.

Action: Contact IBM Support.

RSN_RDWR+X'125' RSN_RDWR_Req_Not_Completed2

After all calls to Media Manager have been completed, it was determined that the remainder of the MMRE chain was never passed.

Probable cause: Module internal logic error.

Action: Contact IBM Support.


An attempt was made to invalidly update DMIB_HFRFN with an RFN which is less than the value currently found in the DMIB.

Probable cause: Module internal logic error.

Action: Contact IBM Support.

RSN_RDWR+X'127' RSN_RDWR_Fmt_Wrt_On_Client

A format write was requested in a client system; only the server can perform format writes.

Probable cause: Internal logic error.

Action: Send the problem to IBM Support.

RSN_RDWR+X'128' RSN_RDWR_CExtend_Failed

This client tried to refresh the extent list, but the operation failed.

Probable cause: I/O error.

Action: Make sure that all the volumes used by this HFS are accessible to this client.

RSN_RDWR+X'129' RSN_RDWR_Unavailable_Extents

This client tried to refresh the extent list, but the operation failed.

Probable cause: The client does not have access to an extent reported by the server.

Action: Make sure that all the volumes used by this HFS are online and accessible to this client.