GFUGAUDT: vn_audit() — Audit Specified Function

The component identifier is RSN_GAUD. The module ID halfword is X'5B43'.

The global reason codes:

Value Description
  • RSN_GAUD +
  • HFS_RSN_Access_Denied (X'0002')

The current (requesting) process does not have the requested access authority to the file, or directory.

Cause: A higher access authority is being requested for this file, or directory, than is defined for this user.

Action: Verify that the correct access authority is being requested. If so, contact the file, or directory, owner and request that the access authority be changed.

  • RSN_GAUD +
  • HFS_RSN_RACF_Not_Installed (X'0003')

No SAF (Security Authorization Facility – for example, RACF®) is installed on this system. Therefore, the user's file access authority can not be validated.

Cause: Probably a system installation error.

Action: Contact the system support programmer to correct the situation.

The local reason codes: None