HLASM Toolkit Feature Installation and Customization Guide
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Method 3: Install HLASM Toolkit Feature using a batch job

HLASM Toolkit Feature Installation and Customization Guide

The batch installation job stream for installing HLASM Toolkit Feature uses the MSHP system history file that already exists as part of the z/VSE system. This system history file might already be defined in the system standard labels; if not, make sure that DLBL and EXTENT statements, with the necessary information for the system history file, are included in the job stream.

Depending on how you request the HLASM Toolkit Feature product you might receive different installation tapes. One could contain only the HLASM Toolkit Feature product (V1 Format tape), the other might be a V2 Format tape containing one or more optional program products. The job shown in Figure 1 handles both types of tape (V2 Format and V1 Format).

Create and tailor the following job stream, mount the distribution tape, and run the installation job.

Figure 1 provides the JCL required to install HLASM Toolkit Feature. Tailor this JCL to suit the requirements at your site.

As many as five modifications might be required to tailor the JCL. The keys in Figure 1 are explained individually and refer to the sections that accompany the JCL description.
Figure 1. Job to install HLASM Toolkit Feature
*  INSTALL THE High Level Assembler Toolkit Feature LIBRARY
*  Label for High Level Assembler Toolkit Feature Library    1 
*  Assign  install tape as SYS006                            2 
// ASSGN SYS006,cuu
* ----------------------------------------
*  This step installs High Level Assembler Toolkit Feature
*  from the distribution tape
*  using the VSE system history file                         3 
* ----------------------------------------
* ----------------------------------------
*  List the High Level Assembler Toolkit Feature Library     4 
* --------------------------------------
* ------------------------------------------
*  Retrace the High Level Assembler Toolkit Feature product  5 
* ------------------------------------------
  1. Specify the Label Information

    In area  1 , if you are installing HLASM Toolkit Feature into a sublibrary other than the default then insert DLBL, EXTENT, and ASSGN information as specified in Figure 3. The library name must match the name used in the allocation job in Figure 3.

    There is no DLBL statement for the system history file. Typically it has a permanent system standard label for this, with IJSYSHF as the file name. (IJSYSHF is the default file name that MSHP looks for in a label statement.)

  2. Assign the Distribution Tape
    Assign the distribution tape in area  2  to logical unit SYS006. Replace cuu with the address of the tape drive on which the distribution tape is mounted. Alternatively you may use the generic tape assignment:
    // ASSGN SYS006,TAPE
  3. Install HLASM Toolkit Feature

    Area  3  of the job calls MSHP to install HLASM Toolkit Feature into the sublibrary identified on the INTO operand of the INSTALL statement. If you are installing HLASM Toolkit Feature into a sublibrary other than the default, then change the name of the sublibrary on the INTO operand of the INSTALL statement to reflect this sublibrary. For more information about the install options, see "Maintain System History Program (MSHP)" in z/VSE: System Control Statements.

  4. List the Directory Entries

    The step in area  4  of the job lists the directory entries of the sublibrary where HLASM Toolkit Feature was installed. Remove this step if a directory list is not required. If you have installed HLASM Toolkit Feature into a sublibrary other than the default, then the name of the sublibrary must be changed to reflect the value you specified in area  3 .

    Entries for HLASM Toolkit Feature have a three character prefix of ASM to distinguish them from other products; there are three exceptions to this rule:
    • HD2346IM.Z
  5. Retrace the HLASM Toolkit Feature product in the system history file.

    The final step in area  5  of the job prints the component records from the system history file for HLASM Toolkit Feature. Remove this step if a retrace listing is not required.

    If this job has to be run again, remember first to restore the system history file, which should have been backed up before running this install job, and second to run the library allocation step again, if applicable.

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