HLASM Toolkit Feature User's Guide
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z/VSE JCL example:

HLASM Toolkit Feature User's Guide

Figure 1. Sample disassembler z/VSE JCL
    // LIBDEF *,SEARCH=(user.library,hlasm.library)                       1 
    // EXEC ASMDASM,PARM='options'                                        2 
    module_name csect_name
The following details explain the lines of JCL in Figure 1 highlighted with a number (such as  1 ).
Replace user.library and hlasm.library with the search chain for the phase or object.
Replace options with any Disassembler options that you want to use. For a list of options, see Disassembler options on z/VSE. If you do not need any options omit the PARM field.

EXEC ASMDASM runs the Disassembler program named ASMDASM. The Disassembler control statements can follow the EXEC statement, in SYSIPT as in the example shown above. Enter each statement on a separate line, with the last statement followed by the SYSRDR termination control characters /* on the last line. Or you can assign SYSIPT to a file.

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