HLASM Toolkit Feature User's Guide
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z/OS JCL Example

HLASM Toolkit Feature User's Guide

Figure 1. Sample disassembler z/OS JCL
//DISASM   EXEC PGM=ASMDASM,PARM='options'                            1 
//SYSLIB   DD DSN=user.loadlib,DISP=SHR                               2 
//SYSPRINT DD SYSOUT=A,DCB=BLKSIZE=3630                               3 
//SYSPUNCH DD DSN=user.command.asm,DISP=(,CATLG),                     4 
//            UNIT=SYSDA,DCB=BLKSIZE=3200,
//            SPACE=(TRK,(5,2),RLSE)
module_name csect_name                                                5 
other control statements
//*COPYLIB DD DSN=user.copy.name,DISP=SHR                             6 
The following details explain the lines of JCL in Figure 1 highlighted with a number (such as  1 ).
Replace options with any Disassembler options that you want to use. For a list of options, see Disassembler options on z/OS.

EXEC PGM=ASMDASM runs the Disassembler program named ASMDASM.

To disassemble an object module, replace user.loadlib with either:
  • The name of the sequential data set containing the object module
  • The name of the PDS, followed by the name of the member in parentheses, containing the object module
  • The name of the PDSE, followed by the name of the member in parentheses, containing the program object. (DFSMS/MVS™ 1.3 or higher is required to support this).

To disassemble a load module, replace user.loadlib with the name of the PDS containing the load module. Specify the load module pds_member in the Module-CSECT process statement (for details, see  5 ).

To disassemble a program object, replace user.loadlib with the name of the PDSE containing the program object. Specify the program object pdse_member in the Module-CSECT process statement (for details, see  5 ).

SYSLIB specifies the object module or, in combination with the pds_member or pdse_member in  5 , the load module or program object to be disassembled.

If you require the assembly listing in a file, enter the name of the data set.

The optional SYSPRINT DD statement specifies the output file for the assembly listing. You must specify the BLKSIZE as a multiple of 121. RECFM=FBA,LRECL=121 is hard-coded.

If you require the output disassembled source in a file, enter the name of the data set.

The SYSPUNCH DD statement is an optional statement which specifies an output file for the disassembled source. You must specify the BLKSIZE as a multiple of 80. RECFM=FB,LRECL=80 is hard-coded.

Replace the Module-CSECT control statement, consisting of module_name and csect_name, with appropriate values for the SYSLIB you specified in  2 . If you specified an object module or a program object in  2 , then pds_member or pdse_member is ignored. For details, see the Module-CSECT statement (required).

Add any other control statements below the Module-CSECT statement.

SYSIN DD contains the control statements. You must specify the module-CSECT statement. You must specify a BLKSIZE in a multiple of 80. RECFM=FB,LRECL=80 is hard-coded.

If you use the COPY control statement enter the COPYLIB DD statement.

The COPYLIB DD statement contains control statement members selected by COPY control statement. The Disassembler opens this file only if you use the COPY control statement. You must specify a BLKSIZE in a multiple of 80. RECFM=FB,LRECL=80 is hard-coded.

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