HLASM Toolkit Feature User's Guide
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z/VSE JCL example 1: Non-VSAM-managed sequential files

HLASM Toolkit Feature User's Guide

Figure 1 shows simplified z/VSE JCL for searching a non-VSAM-managed sequential file. This example is supplied with SuperC in the Librarian member ASMFVSS1.Z.

Before running this example, edit the lines highlighted by numbers (such as  1 ) as described in the instructions following the example listing.
Figure 1. Sample z/VSE JCL for searching a non-VSAM-managed sequential file
/* Define file to be searched
// DLBL search_file_name,'search_file_ID',0,SD                    ┐
// EXTENT extent_information                                      ├─  1 
// ASSGN assign_logical_unit_information                          ┘
/* Note: The listing file is output to SYSLST.
/*       (If the WIDE process option is used, SYSLST must be
/*       assigned to a printer capable of handling lines of
/*       at least 202 characters.)
/* Run the search with these options…
// EXEC ASMFSUPC,PARM='SRCHCMP process_options'                       2 
*  …and these process statements
NEWDD search_file_name,attributes                                     3 
SRCHFOR 'search_string'                                               4 other_process_statements                                              5 
Replace search_file_name with your choice of DLBL name for the file to be searched; also insert this DLBL name in the NEWDD process statement (see  3 ). Replace search_file_ID with the name of the file to be searched. Insert appropriate extent information and assign logical unit information.
Replace process_options with any process options you want to use to customize how SuperC performs the search or formats the listing.

For a description of each process option, see Process options.

For example:
instructs SuperC to perform a search:
  • Ignoring COBOL comment lines. (Process option DPCBCMT ignores lines with an "*" in column 7.)
  • Ignoring columns 1 to 6. (Process option COBOL ignores columns 1 to 6 which are assumed to be sequence numbers.)

SuperC outputs the listing file to SYSLST. For a selection of sample listing files, see Understanding the listings.

NEWDD is a process statement that allows you to:
  • Use your own choice of DLBL name for the file to be searched. If you do not specify a NEWDD process statement, you must use the DLBL name NEWDD.
  • Specify file attributes for the file to be searched. If you do not specify a NEWDD process statement with file attributes, SuperC assumes that the (non-VSAM) file to be searched contains fixed-length unblocked records with a record size and block size of 80.

For more information about the NEWDD process statement, see DD-VSE DLBL/TLBL definitions.

Replace search_string with a string that you want to search for. For information about specifying search strings, see Search strings in the input file.
Insert any other process statements (one per line) that you want to use.
For example, the following process statement:
DPLINE 'ignore this line'
instructs SuperC to exclude from the search any lines containing the specified string ("ignore this line").

For more information about process statements, see Process statements.

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