HLASM Programmer's Guide
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Macro and copy code cross reference

HLASM Programmer's Guide

This section of the listing shows the names of macros and copy code members and the statements where the macro or copy code member was called. You can use the assembler option MXREF(XREF) or MXREF(FULL) to generate this section of the listing.
Figure 1. Macro and copy code cross reference
SAMP01                                    Macro and Copy Code Cross Reference                                Page   28
 1         2     3                4       5 
Macro     Con  Called By        Defn  References                                          HLASM R6.0  2008/07/11 17.48
A              PRIMARY INPUT     826  971, 973, 998
               PRIMARY INPUT       3  16
AL             PRIMARY INPUT     873  981, 983
DCBD       L3  PRIMARY INPUT       -  113
IHBERMAC   L3  DCBD                -  113
L              PRIMARY INPUT     816  966, 968
MAC1           PRIMARY INPUT      28  36
N              PRIMARY INPUT     933  991
O              PRIMARY INPUT     953  993
SAMPLE     L1  PRIMARY INPUT       -  85C   6 
SAMPMAC    L1  PRIMARY INPUT       -  64
SAVE       L3  PRIMARY INPUT       -  42
SL             PRIMARY INPUT     883  986, 988
ST             PRIMARY INPUT     836  976, 978
TYPCHKRX       PRIMARY INPUT     745  775, 845, 892
X              PRIMARY INPUT     943  996
XIT1       L1  PRIMARY INPUT       -  30C
XIT2       L2  PRIMARY INPUT       -  32C
XIT3       L1  PRIMARY INPUT       -  34C
The macro or copy code member name.
Shows the value representing the input source concatenation, as listed in the Macro and Copy Code Source Summary (refer to Figure 1) and under the sub-heading "Datasets Allocated for this Assembly" in the Diagnostic Cross Reference and Assembler Summary (refer to Figure 1).
Shows either the name of the macro that calls this macro or copy code member, or the words "PRIMARY INPUT" indicating the macro or copy code member was called directly from the primary input source. If you use the COPY instruction to copy a macro definition, then references to the macro are shown as called by “PRIMARY INPUT”.
One of these:
  • The statement number for macros defined in the primary input file,
  • A dash (-) indicating the macro or copy code member was retrieved from a library.
The statement number that contains the macro call or COPY instruction.

Lookahead Processing: If a COPY instruction is encountered during lookahead, this is the number of the statement that causes lookahead processing to commence.

PCONTROL(MCALL) Assembler Option: If you specify the PCONTROL(MCALL) assembler option, and you copy a macro definition from an inner macro, the number shown against the copied member is one less than the statement number containing the inner macro call instruction. See Effects of LIBMAC and PCONTROL(MCALL) options for examples of assemblies using different combinations of the LIBMAC and PCONTROL(MCALL) options.

Statement numbers have a suffix of "C" when the reference is to a member named on a COPY instruction.
Figure 2 shows the format of the Macro and Copy Code Cross Reference when you specify the assembler option, LIBMAC.
Figure 2. Macro and copy code cross reference—with LIBMAC option
SAMP01                                    Macro and Copy Code Cross Reference                                  Page   81
Macro     Con  Called By        Defn  References                                            HLASM R6.0  2008/07/11 17.48
A              PRIMARY INPUT    3667  3812, 3814, 3839
               PRIMARY INPUT       3  16
AL             PRIMARY INPUT    3714  3822, 3824
DCBD       L3  PRIMARY INPUT     224X 2329
IHBERMAC   L3  DCBD             2331X 2954
L              PRIMARY INPUT    3657  3807, 3809
MAC1           PRIMARY INPUT      28  36
N              PRIMARY INPUT    3774  3832
O              PRIMARY INPUT    3794  3834
SAMPLE     L1  PRIMARY INPUT       -  195C
SAVE       L3  PRIMARY INPUT      43X 130
SL             PRIMARY INPUT    3724  3827, 3829
ST             PRIMARY INPUT    3677  3817, 3819
TYPCHKRX       PRIMARY INPUT    3586  3616, 3686, 3733
X              PRIMARY INPUT    3784  3837
XIT1       L1  PRIMARY INPUT       -  30C
XIT2       L2  PRIMARY INPUT       -  32C
XIT3       L1  PRIMARY INPUT       -  34C
The "X" flag indicates the macro was read from a macro library and embedded in the input source program immediately preceding the invocation of that macro. For example, in Figure 2, you can see that SAMPMAC was called by the PRIMARY INPUT stream from LIBRARY L1, at statement number 174, after being embedded in the input stream at statement number 153. See Effects of LIBMAC and PCONTROL(MCALL) options for examples of assemblies using different combinations of the LIBMAC and PCONTROL(MCALL) options.

You can suppress this section of the listing by specifying the NOMXREF assembler option.

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