HLASM Programmer's Guide
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Cataloged procedure for assembly (ASMAC)

HLASM Programmer's Guide

This procedure consists of one job step: assembly. Use the name ASMAC to call this procedure. The result of running this procedure is an object module written to SYSPUNCH and an assembler listing. (See Invoking the assembler on z/OS for more details and another example.)

In the following example, input is provided in the input stream:
//jobname  JOB
//stepname EXEC PROC=ASMAC
//SYSIN    DD   *
assembler source statements
/* (delimiter statement)

The statements of the ASMAC procedure are read from the procedure library and merged into the input stream.

Figure 1 shows the statements that make up the ASMAC procedure.
Figure 1. Cataloged procedure for assembly (ASMAC)
//*   Licensed Materials - Property of IBM                           *
//*                                                                  *
//*   5696-234   5647-A01                                            *
//*                                                                  *
//*   (C) Copyright IBM Corp. 1992, 2008. All Rights Reserved.       *
//*                                                                  *
//*   US Government Users Restricted Rights - Use,                   *
//*   duplication or disclosure restricted by GSA ADP                *
//*   Schedule Contract with IBM Corp.                               *
//*                                                                  *
//*                                                                  *
//*   ASMAC                                                          *
//*                                                                  *
//* TO ASSEMBLE PROGRAMS.                                            *
//*                                                                  *
//C        EXEC PGM=ASMA90
//SYSLIB   DD  DSN=SYS1.MACLIB,DISP=SHR                                         1 
//SYSUT1   DD  DSN=&&SYSUT1,SPACE=(4096,(120,120),,,ROUND),                     2 
//             UNIT=SYSALLDA,DCB=BUFNO=1
//SYSPRINT DD  SYSOUT=*                                                         3 
//SYSLIN   DD  DSN=&&OBJ,SPACE=(3040,(40,40),,,ROUND),                          4 
//             DCB=(BLKSIZE=3040,LRECL=80,RECFM=FB,BUFNO=1)
Notes to Figure 1:
This statement identifies the macro library data set. The data set name SYS1.MACLIB is an IBM designation.
This statement specifies the assembler work data set. The device class name used here, SYSALLDA, represents a direct-access unit The I/O unit assigned to this name is specified by the installation when the operating system is generated. A unit name such as 3390 or SYSDA can be substituted for SYSALLDA.
This statement defines the standard system output class, SYSOUT=*, as the destination for the assembler listing.
This statement describes the data set that contains the object module produced by the assembler.

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