Recalling RACF-indicated data sets

If the RACF indicator was on when DFSMShsm migrated the data set, the RACF indicator is set on when DFSMShsm recalls the data set. When DFSMShsm recalls a non-VSAM data set, DFSMShsm changes the volume serial number and device type information, if necessary, in the RACF® discrete data set profile to indicate the volume where DFSMShsm has recalled the data set. When DFSMShsm recalls a VSAM data set, it does not update the RACF discrete data set profile, because the profile contains the volume serial number of the catalog, which cannot change during recall or recovery.

To recall a RACF-indicated data set that has no RACF profile, perform the following actions:

  1. Create a generic profile or recreate the RACF discrete profile. To create the discrete profile, use the RACF ADDSD command and specify the NOSET parameter.
  2. Recall the data set without specifying where the data set should reside.