Non-SMS-managed volume

Assume that you want to remove all data sets from volume UG2003. You still must prevent allocations to the volume, remove data sets that DFSMShsm can process from the volume, and remove any data sets that DFSMShsm cannot process from the volume.

Preventing users other than DFSMShsm from allocating to the volume is a normal MVS™ process. You can prevent DFSMShsm from selecting the volume for recall of data sets by removing UG2003 from the user group with the following command in all z/OS® images:

Because you have volume UG2003 dedicated to GROUP2, you have specified the NOAUTORECALL parameter of the ADDVOL command. Thus, because the volume does not belong to any pool and has the attribute of NOAUTORECALL, DFSMShsm cannot recall any data sets to it.

To move the data sets that DFSMShsm can process, issue the following command:

Notice that this is the same command used for the SMS-managed volume. DFSMShsm again migrates and recalls all of the data sets on the volume that it can process. However, because the volume is not SMS managed (because the ACS routines indicate the data sets should be non-SMS-managed), DFSMShsm selects the volumes to which the data sets are recalled. Because, presumably, all of the data sets on volume UG2003 belong to GROUP2, DFSMShsm recalls them to either UG2001 or UG2002.

To move any data sets that DFSMShsm cannot process, you can use DFSMSdss.