Defining a storage group to multiple copy pools

Although you may include a storage group in multiple copy pools, IBM® recommends against doing this when FlashCopy® version 1 is used as your the fast replication utility. If the FRBACKUP COPYPOOL command is issued for a copy pool with a common storage group, other copy pools with that same common storage group cannot be backed up until the background copies for all of the volumes in the common storage group have completed. Even though the first FRBACKUP COPYPOOL command logically completes in a manner of minutes, allowing the subsequent FRBACKUP commands to be issued, the subsequent FRBACKUP commands will fail until all of the background copies are complete, which might take several hours. This prevents the volumes in the noncommon storage groups in those copy pools from having a timely backup created.

FlashCopy version 2 and SnapShot do not have this restriction.