Specifying the day to dump data to this dump class

You can specify that you want data dumped to a particular dump class on a particular day in the dump cycle with the DAY subparameter. If you specify the DAY subparameter, the dump class is used only on that day. The day specified with the DAY subparameter must be a Y day in the dump cycle that you have defined with the DEFINE DUMPCYCLE command.

Because you want dump class ONEWEEK to be used four times during the dump cycle and you want dump class TWOWEEK to be used two times, do not specify the DAY subparameter for these two classes. The DAY subparameter does not allow you to use a dump class more than one time in a dump cycle. However, as dump class FOURWEEK is used once every 28 days, you can change its DEFINE DUMPCLASS command as follows: