DUMPCLASS(FREQUENCY): Specifying the minimum number of days that must elapse between volume dumps of a volume to this class

Explanation: FREQUENCY is an optional subparameter of DUMPCLASS specifying the minimum number of days that must elapse from the last volume dump of the volume to this class before the volume can be automatically dumped again.

DUMPCLASS(FREQUENCY(days)): For days, substitute a decimal number from 0 to 999.

Automatic full-volume dumps are included in the test for satisfying the requirement defined by the FREQUENCY parameter. Full-volume dumps requested by command, however, are processed independently of the FREQUENCY specified with the DEFINE command. The frequency for the class is considered met if DFSMShsm has no record of dumping the volume in question to this class. Therefore, the frequency is met for each volume dumped to the class for the first time. DFSMShsm keeps track of only the last five distinct dump classes to which a volume has been dumped.

Defaults: If you do not specify FREQUENCY, the default for days is 7.
  1. Coordinate the FREQUENCY parameter with DUMPCYCLE parameter days to ensure that schedules for automatic dumps do not conflict. Example: The following example shows an apparent conflict:
              DUMPCLASS(A FREQ(8))

    In this example, DUMPCYCLE specifies a 7-day cycle, with the dumps taken on a Saturday. The dump frequency, FREQ, specifies an 8-day elapsed time. The dumps to class A would be performed every other Saturday, beginning with the second Saturday, because the dump frequency would not have elapsed by the time the dump cycle had completed. If, however, the volume had never been dumped by DFSMShsm, the initial dump would be on the first Saturday, and then every other Saturday.

    To be more consistent with the dump cycle, choose the following value: FREQ(7). This causes the required number of days to elapse before the next ‘Y’ day in the processing of automatic dump.

  2. The DUMPCLASS parameter FREQUENCY is calculated from the last date that the level 0 volume was dumped while not in debug mode. The date that the level 0 volume was last dumped is not updated when DFSMShsm is running in debug mode because the dump prevents volume dumps from processing on schedule when no debug is specified. In debug mode, if the date last dumped is zeros, and if the frequency value is not calculated, then the level 0 volume is eligible to be dumped, and the date last dumped is not updated.