Names of migrated data sets

When DFSMShsm migrates a data set, it changes the catalog entry for that data set. The data set retains its name, so the users of the data set know how to address it, but the location is changed to MIGRAT. However, DFSMShsm gives the migration copy of the data set a name of the form:
If patch-enabled, the following dataset name will be generated:


If you need to access a single-file format tape, you must specify a valid data set name for the single file that comprises up to 255 tape volumes. The following migrated data set name is valid for each set of cartridge-type tape volumes in single-file format:

Only the last 17 characters (.HMIGTAPE.DATASET) are recorded in the tape label. To access the single-file format data set, you must supply any valid prefix along with the .HMIGTAPE.DATASET qualifiers.

The following tape data set name for each copy of a cartridge-type tape volume is created by the TAPECOPY command or the duplex tape option: