DATE, GENERATION, TOKEN, VERSION: Specifying a specific backup version to recover

Explanation: DATE, GENERATION, TOKEN, and VERSION are mutually exclusive, optional parameters that indicate to DFSMShsm a specific backup copy to recover.

Specify DATE(yyyy/mm/dd) to recover a backup copy from a particular date. If more than one copy exists for the specified date, then DFSMShsm recovers the most recent copy from that date. The FRRECOV command fails if no copy exists for the specified date. A copy may not exist because either no valid backup copy exists or the copy exists, but it is invalid. You do not need to include a leading zero to specify single digit months and days.
Specify GENERATION(gennum) to recover a backup copy of a particular generation. The generation number can be from 0 to 84. The most recent copy is generation 0, the next is 1, and so on.
Specify TOKEN(token) to recover a backup copy with a particular token. If the token is not unique, then the most recent backup copy with the specified token is recovered. If the specified token is less than 40 characters, then the token is left justified and padded with binary zeroes before the backup copy search. You can specify a hexadecimal token using the X'...' syntax.
Specify VERSION(vernum) to recover a backup of a particular copy. The copy number can be from 1 to 999.

Defaults: If you do not specify DATE, GENERATION, TOKEN, or VERSION, DFSMShsm uses the most recent backup copy (generation zero) to perform the recovery.