EXECUTE, PREPARE, WITHDRAW, and DUMPONLY: Specifying the backup or dump action

Explanation: EXECUTE, PREPARE, WITHDRAW, and DUMPONLY are mutually exclusive, optional parameters that indicate to DFSMShsm the type of backup or dump action that you are initiating.

EXECUTE: The EXECUTE parameter indicates that DFSMShsm is to create a fast replication backup for each volume defined in the specified copy pool. EXECUTE is the default action.

PREPARE: When you use this parameter, DFSMShsm assigns specific target volumes to each source volume for each version of the copy pool.

This parameter does not verify that there is a sufficient amount of tape volumes to successfully dump the version. If you specified VERSIONS=0 for the copy pool, DFSMShsm does not preassign DASD backup volumes to the copy pool source volumes but PREPARE processing checks that sufficient target volumes are available.

This PREPARE processing enables validation of the fast replication environment outside the backup window. The PREPARE processing does not create a backup of the copy pool.

WITHDRAW: The WITHDRAW parameter indicates that all outstanding FlashCopy® relationships are withdrawn for the most recent valid version. DFSMShsm marks that DASD version invalid if any FlashCopy relationships are withdrawn.

Any successful dump copies for the withdrawn version will remain but any incomplete dumps for the version are not resumable.

You should use the WITHDRAW parameter when it is necessary to withdraw one or more relationships established by FRBACKUP. If a version other than the most recent is invalidated, then that version is also deleted because it is no longer usable. Withdraw of a relationship can only be performed at the copy pool level. If any part of a copy pool backup version is invalidated, then the entire version is invalidated.
Note: If you withdraw the only backup version, recovery cannot be performed. Use the LIST COPYPOOL command or the ARCXTRCT macro to ensure that the backup version you wish to withdraw is not the only backup version.

If you specify the WITHDRAW parameter for a version that is being dumped, DFSMShsm will not process any volumes that have not yet been dumped. For those volumes that are actively being dumped, after the dump completes, DFSMShsm marks the dump as a failure. The dump copy for the withdrawn version will be marked as being partially complete. Since the DASD copy has been withdrawn, the dump version cannot be completed.

DUMPONLY: You can use the DUMPONLY parameter when a valid DASD backup version exists and you need to create or complete a dump copy for that version. The DUMPONLY parameter does not initiate a DASD copy.

The following special considerations exist between the DUMPONLY and DUMPCLASS parameters:
The following subparameters are mutually exclusive, optional parameters that you can use with the DUMPONLY parameter to indicate to DFSMShsm which specific DASD backup version to dump.
Subparameter Explanation
DATE DUMPONLY(DATE(yyyy/mm/dd)) indicates that you want to dump a backup version from a particular date. For yyyy/mm/dd, substitute the creation date for the backup version.
GENERATION DUMPONLY(GENERATION(gennum)) indicates that you want to dump a particular generation of a backup version. For gennum, substitute the generation number of the backup version.
TOKEN DUMPONLY(TOKEN(token)) indicates that you want to dump a backup version with a particular token. For token, specify the token for the backup version.
VERSION DUMPONLY(VERSION(vernum)) indicates that you want to dump a particular version of a backup version. For vernum, specify the specific version number.

Defaults: If you do not specify any of these optional parameters with the FRBACKUP command, the default is EXECUTE. If you do not specify any optional subparameters with the DUMPONLY parameter, the default is GENERATION(0).