LISTDVCS operation (XRC)

This operation lists all of the devices that are part of a specific storage control session. A storage control session is comprised of all of the devices, on a particular storage control, that contain volumes that belong to a unique XRC session. The first device listed is the one that was used to initially set up the session.

The command syntax is as follows:
The following definitions apply to the example above:
The address of a device that is attached to the primary storage control you want to display. The storage control must have XRC-capable Licensed Internal Code (LIC) that supports this function.
The storage control session number (which you can obtain by issuing a F ANTAS000,LISTSESS xxxx command—see LISTSESS Operation for more information).

Example: Issue the following command to list the devices owned by storage control session 04 of the storage control for device F40:


Result: The following is a possible response to this command:

ANTX8927I 0F40 – XA04 – 25(0F40) 0F(....)

This means that session 04 is an active storage control session that has two devices. Device 0F40 relates to device channel connection address 25. The device that relates to device channel connection address 0F is offline.

The operation output contains: the system data mover message number, ANTX8927I; the address of the device (which is 0F40); information about the session (see LISTSESS Operation for more information about the session status syntax); and multiple fields that provide information about each session for the specified device. The information for each session has a format of cc(dddd)s, where the following apply:
The channel connection address (CCA).
The device number. If the device is offline, the value is "....".
An "s" indicates that the session is suspended. A blank indicates that the session is not suspended. This field is reported for ESS storage subsystems, only.

Results: The following are possible responses to the command: