Action A:

There are PPRC paths in place from the primary volume to the secondary and also from the secondary to the primary. The source and target volumes have equivalent device geometry. In this situation, selecting "switch pair, and swap" directs P/DAS to perform the following actions:

  1. End the current PPRC pair.
  2. Establish a new PPRC pair (with NOCOPY) to activate copying in the reverse direction (from the target device tttt to the source device ssss).
  3. Immediately suspend the PPRC operation. All changes made to target device tttt are recorded in the bit maps for the operation, but are not to be copied to the original source device ssss.
  4. Redirect all application I/O to target device number tttt. The change is transparent to the application programs. P/DAS only sends I/Os to the secondary volume from this point on, and the primary and secondary volumes will no longer contain the same information.

The changes that occur between the swap operation and the subsequent resynchronization of the volume pairs are maintained on the old secondary volume. P/DAS will copy the changed updated tracks back to the original primary volume, and will make the volumes duplexed PPRC pairs again.