build config

Configures and application’s build settings.


mfp build-config [update-env <env> --optimize|-o <level>]


You can configure application environments to enable or disable the minification optimization.


The environment that is updated.
--optimize|-o <level>
The level of minification. The following values are valid for the <level> parameter.
  • none - No minification is done to your code by the builder.
  • simple - Removes comments from your code. Also removes line breaks, unnecessary spaces, and other white space.
  • whitespaces - Removes the same white space and comments as whitespaces, but also optimizes expressions and functions. This optimization includes renaming variables to shorter names to make the code smaller.
For more information about minification, see Minification of JS and CSS files.


The current working directory must be under an existing hybrid application. If you use this command in any other folder, you receive an error message.
  • Interactive mode: Run $ mfp build-config and follow the prompts by using the arrow keys.
  • Direct mode: Run $ mfp build-config update-env mobileWebApp --optimize simple