Internal runtime databases

You can access common runtime tables in both relational databases and the Cloudant® database. In relational databases, the entities are organized in database tables; in a Cloudant database, they are organized as document entities.

The following table provides a list of common runtime database tables and entities, their descriptions, and how they are used in relational databases and the Cloudant database.
Entity name Description Relational database table name Cloudant database mfpEntityType Order of magnitude (rows for relational databases and documents for Cloudant)


Stores the attribute store in the authorization server that is used for storing the authentication context of the client. ATTRIBUTE_STORE AttributeStoreEntity One row or document per application.
ClientInstance Stores instances of client applications that have registered with the OAuth server. CLIENT_INSTANCES ClientInstance One row or document per device or application pair.
ClusterSingletonDetails Internal cluster synchronization tasks. CLUSTER_SYNC ClusterSingletonDetails Tens of rows or documents.
Device Tracks Client Devices that access the platform. The Client Devices are recorded as active or inactive, based on the configured decommissioning policy, and other information might be stored for them. DEVICES Device One row or document per device that accessed the platform in the last n days, where n is the sum of the values for the wl.device.decommission.when and wl.device.archiveDecommissioned.when parameters.
GadgetDeviceAssociation Stores relationships between a device and the applications that the device uses. GADGET_DEVICE_ASSOC GadgetDeviceAssociation One row or document per device or application pair.
UserPref User preferences according to unique user identifier. No user preferences are ready for immediate use. The App developer can add preferences. GADGET_USER_PREF UserPref If used, this table can contain one row or document per preference per user.
LicenseTerms Stores the various license metrics captured every time the device decommissioning task is run. LICENSE_TERMS LicenseTerms Tens of rows or documents. This value does not exceed the value set by the wl.device.decommission.when property.
PushDevice Push notification table. Stores a record per device. PUSH_DEVICES PushDevice One row or document per device.
PushSubscription Push notification table. Stores a record per tag subscription or user subscription to event sources. PUSH_SUBSCRIPTIONS PushSubscription One row or document per device subscription.
SsoEntity Stores the active sessions that use the SSO feature. SSO_LOGIN_CONTEXTS SsoEntity If SSO enabled, there is one row or document per session.
LicenseTermsAddressableDevice Stores the addressable device metrics daily. An entry is also added each time that a cluster is started. ADDRESSABLE_DEVICE LicenseTermsAddressableDevice About 400 rows. Entries older than 13 months are deleted daily.
Version The product version. WORKLIGHT_VERSION - One row.

The following table provides a list of common reports database tables and their usage.

  • The Reports database and all the tables in the following list are deprecated in IBM MobileFirst™ Platform Foundation V7.1.0. Use Operational analytics instead.
  • Setting up the Reports database is optional in this release and earlier releases.
  • The Reports database is not supported in Cloudant.
Name Description Order of Magnitude
ACTIVITIES_CUBE A materialized table of the 4-dimensional data cube.

Populated every night, based on the last 30 days of data. Can be used by BIRT or other reporting tools.

Size depends on app and device usage, but is limited to the last 30 days for faster access to the last 30 days of activities.
APP_ACTIVITY_REPORT The reports row data. Data is aggregated by either the product aggregation task or by the customer aggregation task.

For more information about using the row data, see Using raw data reports.

The size depends on application. The customer is responsible for purging older entries after aggregating to Data Warehouse.
FACT_ACTIVITIES Summarization of activities that are used for device analytics.

Updated by MobileFirst Server every 24 hours with data from the APP_ACTIVITY_REPORT table. Primarily used by BIRT reports and by other reporting tools. The update interval can be configured with the wl.db.factProcessingInterval property. The processing and update can also be disabled by setting the wl.db.factProcessingInterval property to a negative value if only the raw data from the APP_ACTIVITY_REPORT table is of interest. For more information about the property, see Device usage reports.

Size depends on app/device usage.
NOTIFICATION_ACTIVITIES Summarization of activities that are used for notification analytics.

Updated with data from the NOTIFICATION_REPORT table. Primarily used by BIRT reports and by other reporting tools.

Size depends on app/notification usage.
NOTIFICATION_PROC_REPORT Internal table to store raw notification data. The data is aggregated by an aggregation task. One row per notification.
NOTIFICATION_REPORT Each time the data processing is done, a time stamp is added to the PROC_REPORT table with the processing result (time stamp and number of processed entries). About 72 rows per day.
OPENJPA_SEQUENCE_TABLE Internal table created for JPA. Not used, and will be removed in the future. n/a
PROC_REPORT Internal table that is used for housekeeping and maintaining the state of the scheduler tasks. About 72 rows per day.

You can access common administration database tables in both relational databases and the Cloudant database. In relational databases, the entities are organized in database tables; in Cloudant, they are organized as document entities. The following table provides a list of common administration database tables and entities, their descriptions, and how they are used in relational databases and the Cloudant database. Entity names in brackets such as "(Version)", are database tables that occur internally and do not correspond to any Java™ Entity or Cloudant document entity.

Entity name Description Relational database table name Cloudant database mfpEntityType Order of Magnitude (rows for relational databases and documents for Cloudant)
AdapterEntity Stores the adapter deployable elements. This table is used to synchronize the adapter deployable elements between cluster nodes; many-to-many relationships with ProjectEntity. ADAPTERS Adapter Tens of rows or documents.
AdminNodeEntity Stores information about the servers that run the administration services. In a stand-alone topology with only one server, this entity is not used. ADMIN_NODE AdminNode One row or document per server; empty if a stand-alone server is used.
ApplicationEntity Stores the application deployable elements. This table is used to synchronize the application deployable elements between cluster nodes; many-to-many relationships with ProjectEntity. APPLICATIONS Application Tens of rows or documents.
ApplicationEnvironmentEntity Environments, for example, iPhone or Android, of deployed applications. Many-to-one relationships with ApplicationEntity. APPLICATIONS_ENVIRONMENTS ApplicationEnvironment Tens of rows or documents.
ApplicationVersionAccessDataEntity Stores the applications that have the remote disable mode to block or notify. References ApplicationEnvironmentEntity. APP_VERSION_ACCESS_DATA ApplicationVersionAccessData Tens of rows or documents.
AuditEntity Stores an audit trail of all administrative actions performed on the administration server. AUDIT_TRAIL Audit Thousands of rows or documents.
BeaconEntity Stores information about registered beacons. BEACONS Beacon One row or document per registered beacon.
BeaconTriggerEntity Stores information about the action that is triggered when the user's mobile device comes into the vicinity of an associated beacon. BEACON_TRIGGERS BeaconTrigger Tens of rows or documents.
BeaconTriggerAssociationEntity Stores the association between beacons and triggers; many-to-many relationship between beacons and beacon triggers. BEACON_TRIGGER_ASSOC BeaconTriggerAssociation One row or document for each association between a registered beacon and a beacon trigger.
ClientConfigProfileEntity Stores custom logging configuration profiles that have been created by the server administrator. CONFIG_PROFILES ClientConfigProfile One row or document per configuration profile. Usually no more than 5-10 rows in total.
DifferentialDirectUpdateEntity Stores information on differential direct updates and their binaries. DIFFERENTIAL_DIRECT_UPDATE DifferentialDirectUpdate One row or document per environment per deployment.
FarmConfigEntity Stores the configuration of farm nodes when a server farm is used. FARM_CONFIG FarmConfig Tens of rows or documents; empty if no server farm is used.
ProjectEntity Stores the names of the deployed projects. PROJECT Project Tens of rows or documents.
(Project-Adapter-Association) Bidirectional association between projects and adapters. PROJECT_ADAPTERS   Tens of rows.
(Project-Application-Association) Bidirectional association between projects and applications. PROJECT_APPLICATIONS   Tens of rows.
ProjectLockEntity Internal cluster synchronization tasks. PROJECT_LOCK   Tens of rows.
PushEnvironmentEntity Push notification table; stores details of push environments. PUSH_ENVIRONMENTS PushEnvironment Tens of rows or documents.
PushTagEntity Push notification table; stores details of defined tags. PUSH_TAGS PushTag Tens of rows or documents.
TransactionEntity Internal cluster synchronization table; stores the state of all current administrative actions. TRANSACTIONS Transaction Tens of rows or documents.
(Version) The product version. WORKLIGHTMGT_VERSION   One row.