Creating a custom chart with custom data

To collect custom data, configure your application codebase with the Analytics API.

About this task

In this scenario, you create a pie chart that represents the relative frequency of user button clicks.


  1. Create a MobileFirst application. For this scenario, attach functions to the JavaScript onClick event listeners for buttons in your user interface. These functions are instrumented to report analytics. The WL.Analytics.log method takes an object and a message as parameters. The message is used for searching for this custom event in the Search page of the Analytics Console. The object is used to collect data for custom analytics charting.
    function buttonA(){
      var event = {buttonPress: 'buttona'};
      WL.Analytics.log(event, 'Custom event for button A press');
    function buttonB(){
      var event = {buttonPress: 'buttonb'};
      WL.Analytics.log(event, 'Custom event for button B press');
    function buttonC(){
      var event = {buttonPress: 'buttonc'};
      WL.Analytics.log(event, 'Custom event for button C press');
    function sendAnalytics(){
    The sendAnalytics function is a convenience for demonstration purposes only. The values for keys that are passed to the WL.Analytics.log method can be strings and numbers only. Objects and arrays can be passed as values, but are not used during custom charts creation. The event object in each method is used to create custom charts. The buttonPress key is used to generate data for each chart. The values for this key are buttona, buttonb, and buttonc.
  2. Create a custom chart. For more information about custom charts, see Creating a custom chart.
    Figure 1. Chart Definition
    Create a custom Pie Chart with the Custom Data event type and buttonPress as the property.
    When a device sends the analytics to the server, the key becomes available in the Select Property field for chart creation and filters.