Setting up MobileFirst Platform Foundation on IBM Containers

This topic contains an outline of the steps required to set up MobileFirst Platform Foundation on IBM® Containers.


  1. Install the required programs and verify that you have met the requirements listed in the Prerequisites section.
  2. Download the MobileFirst Platform Foundation on IBM Containers package and extract the contents to a folder in your development environment. (This folder is referred to as your installation directory or package_root.)
  3. Set the namespace for the container image registry:
    • To get the existing namespace, run the command - cf ic namespace get
    • To set the namespace, run the command - cf ic namespace set "your_namespace"

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  4. Add your MobileFirst projects.
  5. Customize the product components in the container as needed (see Customizing MobileFirst Server containers).
  6. Configure security.
  7. Build the images:
    • If you are using MobileFirst Operational Analytics, build this image first and then deploy it to the IBM Containers service on Bluemix®.
    • Build the MobileFirst Server container image and then deploy it to the IBM Containers service on Bluemix.
  8. Deploy your customized container images to Bluemix.
  9. Run the container.