
This script runs a MobileFirst Operational Analytics image as a container group on IBM® Containers on Bluemix®. Before running, ensure that you have run the script to upload the container image to the IBM Containers registry.

Table 1. Mandatory command-line arguments
Command-line argument Description
[-t|--tag] ANALYTICS_IMAGE_TAG The name of the analytics container image in the Bluemix registry.
[-gn|--name] ANALYTICS_CONTAINER_GROUP_NAME The name of the analytics container group.
[-gh|--host] ANALYTICS_CONTAINER_GROUP_HOST The host name of the route.
[-gs|--domain] ANALYTICS_CONTAINER_GROUP_DOMAIN The domain name of the route.
Usage example:
 --tag image_name
 --name container_group_name
 --host container_group_host_name
 --domain container_group_domain_name
Table 2. Optional command-line arguments
Command-line argument Description
[-gm|--min] ANALYTICS_CONTAINER_GROUP_MIN The minimum number of container instances. The default value is 1.
[-gx|--max] ANALYTICS_CONTAINER_GROUP_MAX The maximum number of container instances. The default value is 1.
[-gd|--desired] ANALYTICS_CONTAINER_GROUP_DESIRED The desired number of container instances. The default value is 2.
[-a|--auto] ENABLE_AUTORECOVERY Enable the automatic recovery option for the container instances. Accepted values are Y or N (default).
[-tr|--trace] TRACE_SPEC The trace specification to be applied.

Default: *=info

[-ml|--maxlog] MAX_LOG_FILES The maximum number of log files to maintain before they are overwritten. The default is 5 files.
[-ms|--maxlogsize] MAX_LOG_FILE_SIZE The maximum size of a log file. The default size is 20 MB.
[-e|--env] MFPF_PROPERTIES Specify MobileFirst properties as comma-separated key:value pairs. Example:
[-m|--memory] SERVER_MEM Assign a memory size limit to the container in megabytes (MB). Accepted values are 1024 MB (default) and 2048 MB.
[-v|--volume] ENABLE_VOLUME Enable mounting volume for container logs. Accepted values are Y or N (default).
[-ev|--enabledatavolume] ENABLE_ANALYTICS_DATA_VOLUME Enable mounting volume for analytics data. Accepted values are Y or N (default)
[-av|--datavolumename] ANALYTICS_DATA_VOLUME_NAME Specify name of the volume to be created and mounted for analytics data. Default value is mfpf_analytics_<ANALYTICS_CONTAINER_GROUP_NAME>
[-ad|--analyticsdatadirectory] ANALYTICS_DATA_DIRECTORY Specify the directory to be used for storing analytics data. Default value is /analyticsData"
Learn more about creating scalable container groups.